Browse Collections (47 total)
DC Trans Coalition Records

The DC Trans Coalition collection includes a community needs assessment survey and report that address a range of issues and experiences within trans…
Paulette Goodman PFLAG Collection (Series XIX)
The Paulette Goodman collection includes the personal correspondence of Paulette Goodman, as well as her correspondence on behalf of PFLAG-DC and the…
Records of the Gay Community Center of DC (Series XVIII: Lemley Component)
The files and records of the treasurer and bookkeeper of the Gay Community Center/DC, from the operations held at its third and final home on 1228…
Records of the Gay Community Center of DC (Series IX: Eaton-Kesinger Component)
This collection includes bound correspondence and press clippings related to the Gay Community Center of DC, 1982-1997.VIEW ONLINE FINDING AID
U.S. Department of Commerce GLOBE Records (Series XV)
Includes records from the Federal Gay Lesbian Or Bisexual Employees (FedGLOBE) at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Records date from 1992-2007 and…
Lesbian and Gay Chorus of Washington (Series XII)

Include concert programs and VHS cassettes of recordings from concerts and events held by the Lesbian and Gay Chorus of Washington, DC.VIEW ONLINE…
Pride Programs and Publications (Series XI)

These are publications by and about the LGBTQ communities that are prepared and distributed primarily for Pride festivities in the national capital…
U.S. Gay Rights Movement, 1960s-1984 (Series I)
Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, magazines, pamphlets and articles collected about the work of activists in the 1960s to 1980s.VIEW…
Kenda Kirby Papers (Series V)
In February 2003, the D.C. Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services hired Kenda Kirby, a former Oklahoma firefighter and emergency medical…
SMYAL: LGBTQ Youth Collection (Series XXVI)
SMYAL records include executive board documents, annual reports, correspondence, events files, meeting minutes, development and fundraising materials,…
Names Project: AIDS Memorial Quilt (Series XIII)

Paper records related to the Names Project: AIDS Memorial Quilt, its creation, and the display of it on the National Mall. Photographs of events and…
ClubHouse Oral History Project

A collection of oral histories on the people's experiences related to the ClubHouse. The ClubHouse was a DC after hours club that was open from…
Delan Ellington
Ashley Bamfo
Glenn Reimer
Genny Beemyn Queer Capital Oral History Collection

Oral history interviews conducted while researching the 2014 publication "A Queer Capital: A History of Gay Life in Washington, D.C."
Bob Summersgill Collection (Series XXI)

Working files of Bob Summersgill, member of GLAA since 1993, as treasurer, vice president, 2000-2003 president, and treasurer. He was active in the…
Patrick T. Gertschen photograph collection (Series XXV)
Photograph albums, scrapbooks, and loose photographs taken by Patrick T. Gertschen (aka Pat O’Brien), at various LGBTQ community events from the 1970s…
T-shirts, Textiles, Posters and Banners: Ephemera Collection

T-Shirts and textiles were collected from various donors. Items were photographed, cataloged, and placed online by RHP board member Eric N. Gonzaba in…
Mindy Daniels Collection

This collection includes materials collected by prominent DC lawyer and activitist Mindy A. Daniels. It includes materials from her time in the…
Black & White Men Together (Series VII)

In the early 1980’s, a group of men formed Black and White Men Together of Washington, DC (commonly referred to with the acronyms “BWMT” and…
Rainbow History Project Oral History Collection

Eye-witness accounts of what we’ve seen and experienced provide a valuable resource to researchers and future generations to understand our past and…
Contributors: Rainbow History Project, Various narrators per oral history
Community Pioneers Collections, 30

This collection contains contemporary photographs of community pioneers.
Gay Businesses and Venues Collection

An artificial collection of advertisements, photographs, business cards, matchbooks, and flyers from gay businesses, religious organizations, and…
Contributors: Meinke, Mark
Wayson Jones Collections, 1990-1994, 28

Articles from BLK magazine relating to the African American gay experience in Washington, D.C. and flyers and a postcard advertising performances by…
Contributors: Jones, Wayson. Collector
Rainbow History Project Panel Discussions and Public Recordings

Since 2001, the Rainbow History Project hosts public panels and group discussions on a wide variety of historical topics. Each of these sessions is…
Contributors: Rainbow History Project, Various narrators per recording
Ourstory: Pride in the DMV Collection, 26

In May 1972, Washington, DC's GLBT community celebrated its first Pride. The previous two years, gays and lesbians had gone to New York City to…
Contributors: Dardano, Robert. Photographer