U.S. Gay Rights Movement, 1960s-1984 (Series I)


U.S. Gay Rights Movement, 1960s-1984 (Series I)


Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, magazines, pamphlets and articles collected about the work of activists in the 1960s to 1980s.


Table Of Contents

  • Folder 1: Agreement of archival partnership between the Rainbow History Project and The Historical Society of Washington, D.C. Includes 2 CDs, printout of online article about the Rainbow History Project, a timeline of DC Trans History and a copy of Community Pioneers 2007 presented by Rainbow History Project.
  • Folder 2: Publications of the Lavender & Red Union related to human rights, socialism and feminism [1975-1976] 11
  • Folder 3: Materials from the D.C. Office of Human Rights, Coalition of Gay Organizations and National Gay Taskforce papers and copy of Human Rights Act of 1977
  • Folder 4: Gay Human Rights pamphlets and political flyers from organizations including The Gay Left and Red Flag [1970’s]
  • Folder 5: Copy of The Democratic Party Platform [1976]
  • Folder 6: Various newspaper articles about homosexuals’ lives in D.C., correspondence relating to sodomy laws and court cases [1970’s]
  • Folder 7: Gay Academic Union (GAU) of Hunter College annual conference materials including correspondence and programs [1970’s]
  • Folder 8: Articles and research studies on theory of hormonal relationship in male homosexual individuals [1970’s]
  • Folder 9: Newsletters, pamphlets, a copy of organization’s constitution, and other materials of The Mattachine Society of Washington [1960’s]
  • Folder 10: Materials from The Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, Copy of U.S. Court of Appeals decision Scott v. Macy, et al. June 16, 1965
  • Folder 11: Washington Post clippings about The Cinema Follies fire [October 26, 1977]
  • Folder 12: Publicity photographs of Meg and Chris, two b&w photographic print sheets
  • Folder 13: Gay Forum (December 1-15, 1971); Look (January 26, 1971); and The International Association of Black & White Men Together (IABWMT) Convention, Atlanta (July 2-7, 1984).

Access Rights

Available to all people, by appointment, at the DC History Center. Collection is available for “fair use.” Material may be protected by copyright.


Collection Items

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