Rainbow History Project Oral History Collection


Rainbow History Project Oral History Collection


Eye-witness accounts of what we’ve seen and experienced provide a valuable resource to researchers and future generations to understand our past and how we arrived where we are today.

Each interview in this collection has a narrator telling the story and a documenter guiding the process.

Collected since the founding of the RHP, this collection is growing and is open to researchers.

All interviews have been digitized and are described in the catalog; only some of them have transcripts available.

None of the interviews stream online. To obtain access to an interview, you must request by contacting us directly, providing a brief description of your project and your research interests. Our email address is: info AT rainbowhistory DOT org

One of our team will share the file from our Google Drive, and you can listen from home. Please be sure to have "Music Player for Google Drive" enabled on your machine to play the recording. www.driveplayer.com

Table Of Contents

To see all interviews in the collection, click on
"Items in the Rainbow History Project Oral History Collection" link below.


Rainbow History Project
Various narrators per oral history

Collection Items

Would you like to listen to this audio? Please email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org to request access

Interested in listening to this audio? Email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org for access

Interested in listening to this audio? Email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org for access

Interested in accessing the audio file? Please email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org

Interested in listening to this audio? Please email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org to request access

Interested in accessing this audio?Email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org to request access

Oral History with Carlene Cheatam(Queer Capital-Genny Beemyn)
Interested in listening to this audio? Email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org for access

Please Note: An audio file is currently not available for this record, the notes from this interview are provided below

Do you want to listen to this interview? Request access by emailing oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org

Would you like access to this audio? Please email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org to request access

Oral History with Robert Rigby Jr.
Would you like to listen to this audio? Please email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org to request access

Oral History with Joan E. Biren (Queer Capital-Genny Beemyn)
Want access to this audio? Email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org

Oral History with Ra Amin
Want access to this audio file? Please email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org

Oral History with Jack Nichols (1995-A Queer Capital-Genny Beemyn)
Interested in listening to this audio? Email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org for access

Eric Rosenthal, a doctor, and Jeffrey Menzer, a nurse, recount their life in DC, starting with their political advocacy work with the Gay Rights National Lobby and the Human Rights Campaign Fund (Eric) and the National Council on Women and Girls, and…

Interested in listening to this audio? Email oralhistories@rainbowhistory.org for access
View all 265 items