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Tags: 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, activism, annual reminder, bart wenger, bookstores, cade ware, clubs, community bookshop, dupont circle blackmailer, eva freund, Frank Kameny, furies, gay activist alliance, Gay Liberation Front, Gay Women's Alternative (GWA), ina alterman, joanna's, johnnie's, jon swanson, journalism, martha taylor, mattachine society of washington, mimeograph, pat kolar, plus one, publishing, stonewall riots, susan clark, the advocate, the insider, the ladder, Washington Blade, washington ethical society, zaps
Tags: 1960s, 1970s, advertisements, Alcoholics Anonymous, annual reminder, arlington, bart wenger, Brother Help Thyself, dances, dyke, eva freund, Frank Kameny, gay activists alliance, Gay Liberation Front, gay women's alternative, Gay Women's Alternative (GWA), gay women's open house, ina alterman, jo daly, jon swanson, journalism, lammas, lectures, lesbian, lilli vincenz, martha becker, martha taylor, mary farmer, mattachine society of washington, Mautner Project, newsletter, OWLS, perrin shafer, pickets, plus one, potlucks, publishing, rita mae brown, roommate referral services, sexism, stonewall riots, susan clark, the advocate, the baby blade, the furies collective, Virginia, Washington Blade, whitman-walker clinic
Tags: 1980s, 1990s, act up, activism, aids quilt, aids/hiv, assimilation, Bet Mishpachah, capital pride, capital pride alliance, church ladies for choice, Cinema Follies, cracker barrel sit-in, diversity, drag king contests, drag kings, drag performances, dyke march, faith temple, GLOVE, grassroots fundraising, high femme contests, high heel race, Jewish, lammas, lesbian, lesbian avengers, lesbian services program, needle exchange, NGLFT, nightlife, OUT! DC, phase one, photography, pride, queer, queer nation, Safer Sex Sirens, seize control of the FDA, sodomy laws, spend the money test the drugs cut the red tape, storm the NIH, the second national march on washington for gay and lesbian rights, videography, walk without fear, whitman-walker clinic
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