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DC Trans Coalition-0002.pdf
A draft summary of a survey conducted between May 2012 and May 2013 to assess the needs and experiences of trans communities in DC. The summary includes information regarding gender, race and ethnicity, and sexuality of respondents, and addresses…

DC Trans Coalition-0003.pdf
This report from 2011-2012 details survey findings regarding trans individuals' experiences with police and incarceration, employment and education, access to housing, health, and documentation status. The findings are presented quantitatively with…

Organizing DC's first Pride festivals in May 1972 and June 1975.

The founding and role in the community of Lammas and Lambda Rising bookstores.

LISTEN ONLINE Part 1 of 1 The importance and physical experience of the music at the ClubHouse. Party at the end of the universe. Friday Nights--straight nights. Saturday Nights---gay nights. HIV/AIDS. Inner city AIDS Network/Us Helping US.…

Interested in listening to this audio? Email to request access

Interested in listening to this audio? Email for access

DC Trans Coalition-0006.pdf
A draft agenda for a 2016 forum addressing the policing of the LGBTQ community, and a set of action items and final recommendations for criminal justice reform to protect women and LGBTQ individuals developed by the President's Task Force on 21st…

Talking history-- Frank Kameny 2-2-2002.pdf
Dr. Kameny chatted about his motivation and life in gay activism.LISTEN ONLINEPart 1 of 1

The history of DC's sodomy law and the 30-year campaign to repeal it.LISTEN ONLINEPart 1 of 2Part 2 of 2

In the ’80s and ’90s, HIV/AIDS hit LGBTQ, black, and brown communities in Washington, D.C. hard. Before drugs were available that allowed people to live with AIDS, an HIV-positive diagnosis was often a death sentence. Members of the most affected…

Title34 Howell Comments.pdf
In 1973, DC’s City Council adopted, and Mayor Walter Washington signed, the first citywide human rights ordinance, Title 34, which provided protection to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered individuals.  Title 34 became the basis for subsequent…
ABilly S. Jones-Hennin talking about racism in gay bars in the District of Columbia

GAPIN Banner.jpg
This is the banner for the Gay Asian and Pacific Islander Network used in the 1993 March on Washington.

DC Gay Pride 1978.png
A short film created for Gay Pride Day on June 11, 1978.

city harrassment.pdf
Flyer includes postcard addressed the Mayor Marian Barry. Calls to stop harassment by police and DCRA of gay businesses.

This recording includes two films with footage from Johannesburg, South Africa, first and third pride marches:
Lesbian and Gay Pride March, Saturday, 13 October 1990; and,
Johannesburg Rights and Pride March, Saturday, 10 October 1992.
back row, left to right: Kevin Kerdash, David Vanderbilt, Larry Kennedy
front row: Michelle Michaels, John Moore
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