"Title 34: DC's Human Rights Law" Panel discussion


In 1973, DC’s City Council adopted, and Mayor Walter Washington signed, the first citywide human rights ordinance, Title 34, which provided protection to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered individuals.  Title 34 became the basis for subsequent suits and protests against discrimination. It was also innovative in ensuring women's eocnomic, financial and employment rights.   Effective implementation of Title 34 over the years has entailed considerable effort by the GLBT community to ensure adequate funding and independence for the Office of Human Rights. 

Freund, Howell and Maccubbin each played prominent roles in the passage and subsequent implementation of Title 34. Freund discussed the campaign for passage of DC's first human rights law, Title 34; Howell focused on implementation of the law, issues before the Office of Human Rights, and Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance's work to empower the OHR.

They discussed their experiences, whether in the initial struggle to pass Title 34 or the subsequent effort to enforce it, and answer questions from the audience.

Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2


No, not yet transcribed. Written statements by Freund and Howell are available.

Original Format

Yes, recording available.

Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2


Title34 Howell Comments.pdf
Title34 Freund Comments.pdf


Eva Freund; Craig Howell; Deacon Maccubin, “"Title 34: DC's Human Rights Law" Panel discussion,” Rainbow History Project Digital Collections, accessed January 24, 2025, https://archives.rainbowhistory.org/items/show/1317.

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