DC Gay Pride 1978 [16mm short film]


A short film created for Gay Pride Day on June 11, 1978.


From YouTube description: In 1978 I took my Bolex H16 downtown to shoot this "two-roll" documentary of Gay Pride day. Although the wind-up Bolex is completely unsuited for lip-sync sound, I also brought a cassette recorder and it almost worked to capture some people speaking!

The final version made from A/B/C rolls was my first color film finished with an optical soundtrack! This version was digitized from one of those prints.

Casse Culver and her Bella Starr Band provide the music, "What are we going to do about Anita?" (1977).

Table Of Contents

00:17-00:31: Mayo Lee, President of Gay Activists Alliance. Discusses "Someone You Know is Gay" Metro Ad Campaign
00:31-00:44: Voiceover by Lee
00:44-01:02: Casse Culver recording "What are we going to do about Anita?"
01:02-01:22: Woman with face paint
01:24-01:32: Richard Maulsby, President of Gertrude Stein Democratic Club.
01:32-01:47: Discussion of haircuts
01:47-01:49: Visual of DC Gay Switchboard sign
02:02-02:25: Casse Culver speaks to the camera
02:31-02:55: Metropolitan Community Temple (Bet Mishpachah)
02:48-02:54: [Is the drag queen Mame Dennis?]
03:38-03:41: View of the Washington DC Gay Pride 78 banner
03:44-03:59: White woman, blonde hair, glasses and blue bandana telling her reactions
04:20: Begin end credits [mostly illegible]

Craig Howell, April 8, 2023, via email:
"The first speaker is Mayo Lee, then-President of the Gay Activists Alliance. Richard Maulsby, who I think was then President of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, appears denouncing Councilmember Doug Moore, who was trying to be Washington's answer to Anita Bryant in the '78 elections. Moore's landslide defeat, coupled with Marion Barry's upset victory in the Mayoral race, made Gay Power a permanent reality here. I spotted Jim Zais, another ex-GAA President by then, in the background at one point."

Access Rights


This film was covered in online blogs:


DC Gay Pride 1978.png
Check out this incredible 16mm footage from Gay Pride Day in 1978 - Queerty.pdf


Gary Davis (gdavisloop on YouTube), “DC Gay Pride 1978 [16mm short film],” Rainbow History Project Digital Collections, accessed December 19, 2024, https://archives.rainbowhistory.org/items/show/1725.

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