Rights is exactly "Reproduction and use of this material requires permission from the copyright holder. Please contact the Rainbow History Project for more information."
A poster promoting an event for March 1st, 2006, celebrating Drag King Performances at Choas. At this time, this was the longest running Drag King show in the world.
A discussion on the historic intersection between the LGBTQ+ community and the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, DC with Mindy Daniels, Dee Curry, and Brett Parson, moderated by Rayceen Pendarvis. Craig Howell and Earline Budd were unable…
Letter and sponsorship form related to fund raising activity by the Bisexual Resource Center. Participants were encouraged to disobey the state sodomy laws for the month of October and seek sponsors for acts of civil disobedience to pledge for each…
Lesbian activist Lilli Vincenz featured on the cover of the Ladder, the magazine of the San Francisco lesbian organization the Daughters of Bilitis. This is the first known instance of an Out Lesbian choosing to show her face on the cover of a…
The Rainbow History Project partnered with LC-GLOBE to present the lunchtime panel “Lost Lesbian Spaces” at the Library Congress. The panel addressed the swift disappearance of local lesbian spaces, such as bookstores and bars, since the 1980s. Dr.…