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Tags: 1980s, 1990s, act up, activism, aids quilt, aids/hiv, assimilation, Bet Mishpachah, capital pride, capital pride alliance, church ladies for choice, Cinema Follies, cracker barrel sit-in, diversity, drag king contests, drag kings, drag performances, dyke march, faith temple, GLOVE, grassroots fundraising, high femme contests, high heel race, Jewish, lammas, lesbian, lesbian avengers, lesbian services program, needle exchange, NGLFT, nightlife, OUT! DC, phase one, photography, pride, queer, queer nation, Safer Sex Sirens, seize control of the FDA, sodomy laws, spend the money test the drugs cut the red tape, storm the NIH, the second national march on washington for gay and lesbian rights, videography, walk without fear, whitman-walker clinic
Tags: fairfax, fairfax pride, nova, pride, Virginia
Tags: 1970s, 1980s, All Soul's Unitarian Church, Amazon Nation, Bi-Ways, bisexuals, feminists, loraine hutchins, pride, racism, sexism
Tags: exhibit, pride
Tags: Bowling Green State Univeristy, DC, Gala Chorus Festival, GALA Choruses, Gay Mens Chorus of Washington, GENout youth Chorus, GMCH, Lesbaian & Gay Chorus of Washington DC, pride, Racial Inequality, Social Justice
Tags: 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s, activism, aids, bill clinton, black pride, capital pride, capital pride alliance, catholic, catholic church, clinton administration, coming out, covid-19, depatment of justice, dignity, politics, pride, trans pride, whitman-walker clinic, women's spoken word
Tags: aids, aids quilt, badlands, baltimore, Baltimore Pride, black pride, business, capital pride, capital pride alliance, Chesapeake and Potomac Softball League, dc center, DC Front Runners, DCAC, District of Columbia Aquatics Club, Frank Kameny, gay games, Indiana Youth Group, interpride, latino pride, nation, nerp, no justice no pride protest, northeastern regional prides, pose, pride, pride 365, pride reveal, prides of the southeast, RAPP, Residents Achieving Posistive Progress, running, softball, Sports, swimming, tracks, trans pride, university of maryland
Tags: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, bachelors mill, blade, DC Agenda, feminists, Lesbian and Gay Chorus, Owl and Tortoise, phase one, pride, tracks
Tags: 1980s, 1990s, activism, aids, aids/hiv, badlands, baltimore, Biograph, Dupont Athletic Club, Dupont Circle, Gym, hrc, HRF, human rights campaign, human rights campaign fund, marion barry, maryland, Mr. P’s, Muscle Beach, numbers, One In 10, politics, pride, rascals, san francisco, Stein Democratic Club, Trumpets, whitman-walker clinic
Tags: 1980s, 1990s, african american, african american gay men, aids, aids/hiv, best friends, calgary methodist, carding, casa del pueblo, christian, Chuck Hicks, clubhouse, coming out, dc coalition, faith, faith temple, fireplace, hiv, James Tinney, MCC, military, pflag, pride, religion, the blade
Tags: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, african american, aids, aids/hiv, blaa, black and white men together, black pride, bwmt, capitol pride, coffee house, coming out, dc coalition of black gays, district weekly, faith, gertrude stein, GLAA, Hill Haven, langston hughes/eleanor roosevelt democratic club, lesbian, national black independent political party, operation push, p street beach, phase one, politics, pride, rainy cheeks, religion, sapphire sapphos, ziegfelds
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