The Ladder



The Ladder was a periodical published between 1956 and 1972 by the Daughters of Bilitis (DOB), a homophile organization based in San Francisco with chapters around the country. Co-edited by Phyllis Lyon (under the pseudonym Ann Ferguson) and Del Martin–and later, by Helen Sandoz, Barbara Grier (writing under several pseudonyms including Gene Damon), and Barbara Gittings–Ladder issues grew from 12 to 50 pages and production value steadily increased with issues published in the late 60s and early 70s including several photographs. As the editors noted in their first issue “[The Ladder] offers…a so-called "feminine viewpoint…” often lacking from their contemporaries One Magazine and the Mattachine Newsletter.

Ladder issues included poetry, short stories, news articles, and editorial pieces. Recurring segments included:

  • “Lesbiana” (by Gene Damon) - an extensive review of lesbian culture including books, magazines, movies, and albums. 
  • “The Counsellor’s Corner” (by Ruth M. McGuire) - an advice column that covered a range of issues. 
  • “Readers Respond” - highlighting comments and questions received from readers both in the United States and around the world. 
  • “Cross Currents” - a summary of “homophile” movement news from around the world.

The Ladder is an allusion to the DOB’s (and the broader homophile movement’s) assimilationist mission to “climb the ladder of respectability.” This mission would contrast sharply with the “gay rights” organizations (like the Gay Liberation Front) that emerged in the 1970s. DOB’s full statement of purpose, reflecting this focus on assimilationism was published on the inside cover of every issue with slight adjustments made in the 1960s:

  1. Education of the variant, with particular emphasis on the psychological and sociological aspects, to enable her to understand herself and make her adjustment to society in all its social, civic and economic implications by establishing and maintaining a library of both fiction and nonfiction on the sex deviant theme; by sponsoring public discussions on pertinent subjects to be conducted by leading members of the legal, psychiatric, religious and other professions; by advocating a mode of behaviour and dress acceptable to society.
  2. Education of the public through acceptance first of the individual, leading to an eventual breakdown of erroneous conceptions, taboos and prejudices; through public discussion meetings; through dissemination of educational literature on the homosexual theme.
  3. Participation in research projects by duly authorized and responsible psychology sociology and other such experts directed towards further knowledge of the homosexual.
  4. Investigation of the penal code as it pertains to the homosexual, proposal of changes to provide an equitable handling of cases involving this minority group, and promotion of these changes through due process of law in the state legislatures.

Table Of Contents

Vol 7, No 9
New Research on Lesbians to Begin This Fall by Florence Conrad; The Tragedy of Queen Christina by Gene Damon and Lee Stuart; Compensation by Dubby; Book Review of Tennessee Williams' Rebellious Puritan by Nancy P. Tischler; DOB Scholarship Announcement; Oxapampa by J.J.; Love Affair by Billie Tallmij; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Biblical References to Female Homosexuality by Allison Lonn; Love by Jean Sand; We Are Apart by R.A. Lorence; The Gay Crusader by Karen Wells; Main Street - Lesbianville by Joji Hazel; Leaves by B.A.T.; Readers Respond
Vol 7, No 11
Jeannace Freeman - Eradication of a Misfit? by Rosa Connor; An Open Letter to Homosexuals; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; A Dope by Ger Van Braam; Cross Currents; Why Are They Second Best by Dorothy Lyle; Volunteer for Research!; Readers Respond

Vol 8, No 2
Living Propaganda by Marilyn Barrow; News About Research Study; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; The Gay Coffee Club by Joji Hazel; Ellis and the Chestnuts by J. Seeley; Lesbian Lyrics by Barbara Stephens; Cross Currents; Letter to a Girl Who Said I Love Youby Jan Fraser; Dramatic Arts by Robin Richards; Readers Respond

Vol 8, No 4
The Fourth Sex - The Lesbian. Review of Jess Stearn's "The Grapevine" by V.P.; I Want to Stand Up and Be Counted by M.L.; Cross Currents; Noblesse by Vern Niven; "To Deprave and Corrupt..." Original Studies in the Nature and Definition of Obscenity Edited by John Chandos Review by D.K.; Progress Report on Lesbian Research by Dr. Ralph H. Gundlach; DOB Convention '64!; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Living Propaganda by M.V.; "Dorothy and Red" by Vincent Sheean Book Review by Gene Damon and Lee Stuart; Dramatic Arts by Robin Richards; Readers Respond

Vol 8, No 6
The First Woman Doctor in Britain by Dr. James Barry Review by Vern Niven; In the Dark by Ruth Saylor; DOB Convention Bulletin; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Stage Two of Research; Champagne for Breakfast by Anastasia Briton; Applicants Wanted!; Cross Currents; Lesbianism Around the World by R. Leighton Hasselrodt Book Review by Gene Damon; Readers Respond

Vol 8, No 7
The Problem of Homosexuality in Modern Society Book Review by Florence Conrad; DOB Convention Bulletin; The Very Vast Wasteland by Marilyn Barrow; Cross Currents; On the Other Side of the Fence by Ruth M. Friedman; Scholarships for Women Only; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Notes from Abroad: The Hot Rod Line by Esme Langley; Devotion A Book Review by Gene Damon; Readers Respond

Vol 8, No 8
Taboo Topics by Norman L. Farberow Book Review by D.K.; You Are Invited; Rebuttal to Living Propaganda; Cross Currents; San Francisco: Homophiles and Neatniks by Laurie Mansfield; Boston: Jess Stearn Makes Contact by P.G.; How We Lost The Third Dimension by Blanche Small; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Malign Crusader Review of "The Velvet Underground" by Sidney Ravenswood; Readers Respond

Vol 8, No 9
Lifting Our Blinkers "The Hypocritical American" by James Collier Book Review by G. Desmannes; Dramatic Arts by Robin Richards; Notes from Abroad: Isolation in Indonesia by G. van B.; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; 1964 DOB National Convention Program; We Went Thataway by Sophie Agronsky; Living Propaganda by Mrs. B.H.; Dr. Gundlach Plans Interviews; Readers Respond

Vol 9, No 2
Human Behavior: An Inventory of Scientific Findings by Berelson and Steiner Book Review by Dr. Marvin E. Wolfgang; Notes from Abroad: Thanksgiving from Indonesia by Ger van B; Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Morely by Vern Niven; Focus on Fashion by Melanie; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Special Report: Invasion of Privacy by Del Martin; Cross Currents; Readers Respond

Vol 9, No 3
Another Look at Christian Morals by Rev. Robert W. Wood; Symptom of the Times by Philip Gerard; A Christmas Dialogue by Nola; THe Moral Decision About Homosexuality by Iris Murdoch; Notes From Abroad: Gift Books for Indonesia by Ger van B; Readers Respond

Vol 9, No 9
The Invisible Woman - Some Notes on Subversion by L.E.E.; Saturday Conversation by Valerie Taylor; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross Currents; New World A'Comin'? (or, How Can You Tell the Girls from the Boys?) by Georgette; Living Propaganda by Rita Laporte; Golden Rule by Gene Damon; Readers Respond

Vol 9, No 12
Picketing: The Issues and Impact; Of Winters to Come by Peggy Marklin; Cross Currents; Sex-'n'-Violence by Brigid Brophy; British Scotch Reform by Erika Hastings; The Homosexual Citizen in the Great Society

Vol 10, No 1
Beat Alice by Leo Ebreo; Allen Ginsberg Comments; Emphasis on Research Has Had Its Day by Frank Kameny; Radio Series on Homosexuality; Erotic Minorities Unite!; Rusk Probed on Picketing; Cross Currents; Lesbiana by Gene Damon

Vol 10, No 2
A Brief of Injustices; "Where Late the Sweet Bird Sang" by Jody Shotwell; Homosexual Voting Bloc Puts Pizzazz in Politics; Interview with Jean; Readers Respond

Vol 10, No 3
A Homosexual Ghetto? by Leo Ebreo; Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louys; Cross Currents; Who Is a Homosexual by Dr. C.A. Tripp and Lewis Coppersmith; The Diary of Alice James edited by Leon Edel Book Review by Lennox Strong; The Dangerous Sex by H.R. Hays Book Review by Drs. Phyllis and Eberhard Kronhausen

Vol 10, No 4
Psychiatric Moralists in Unison Review by C.A. Tripp of Sexual Inversion by Judd Marmor; ECHO 1965: The Homosexual Citizen in the Great Society by Erika Hastings (Scanning the Conference; Scanning the Speeches; Fearful Goblins at the Door; Onward to Social Engineering?; Avoiding the Great Dullsville); Lesbiana by Gene Damon; The Weavers by Ruth Saylor; Notes from Abroad: The Gay Scene in the Orient by Agatha Mathys; U.S. Government Clings to Prejudice by Franklin E. Kameny; Violet Shaded with Purple Review by Gene Damon of LA BATRADE by Violette Leduc; Readers Respond

Vol 10, No 5
ECHO 1965: The Homosexual Citizen in the Great Society by Erika Hastings (the Myth of Moral Decadence; Why Legislators Run Scared; Which Road to Legal Justice?); Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross Currents; The Young Lesbian by Irene Fiske; Notes from Abroad: Social Service for the Young by Esme Langley; Nothing Else by Ger

Vol 10, No 10
Let Us Out of Here! by Nola; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Apratheid for Women by Brigid Brophy; When Men Were MEN and Women Were Wimmen! Book Review of the Disappearing Sexes by Robert Oldenwald by S. N.; About Our Contributors; DOB National Convention; Research Through a Glass, Darkly - An Evaluation of the Bieber Study on Homosexuality by Fritz A. Fluckinger, Ph.D.

Vol 11, No 1
S.F. Greets 'Daughers"; San Francisco on the Spot: Setting the Scene; Letters to the Mayor by Phyllis Lyon; History of S.F. Homophile Organizations by Del Martin; A Challenge to San Francisco by Wm. E. Beardemphl; Goodbye Again - A Story by Jeremy Drake; Every Tenth Person Is a Homosexual!; Cross Currents; Lesbiana by Gene Damon

Vol 11, No 3
"New Trends in the Church" Reported by Ellis Radick; Cross Currents and Miscellany; The Witch I Love by Cheri V. Collins; Acquaintances in the Afternoon by Sten Russell; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Un-named Poem by Mary-Faith Albert; Un-named Poem by N. F. K.; Readers Respond

Vol 11, No 4
A Lesbian Speaks Her Mind; In His Judgement; Artistic Paths that Crossed; On the Superiority of Women; Lesbiana; Cross Currents and Miscellany; Poetry; Readers Respond

Vol 11, No 5
"The Basic Bias by Dorothy Lyle; Her Infinite Variety - a review of a review by Del Martin The Lyon Lived Up to Her Name by Lennox Strong; 3 poems by Stormy; On the Rejection of the Status Quo by Irene Fiske; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross Currents and Miscellany; Poetic Incidents by Phyllis M. Rogers; Readers Respond; Pre-Posthumous Memoirs of a Splendid Cat by Ben Cat"

Vol 11, No 6
"The Life of the Lesbian (from Concern); Climbing the Famlly Tree by Vern Niven; Upon Entering the Gates - a poem by Stormy; Lesbian Literature 1966 Annual Review by Gene Damon; Lament by H. Cunningham; Three Poems by R. Fletcher; Judaism and Homosexuality (from an address); Cross-Currents; Marilyn by Sten Russell; Readers Respond"

Vol 11, No 7
The Shape of Love (Part I) by Jody Shotwell; The Realistic Novel by Valerie Taylor; Poems by Sten Russell; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; An Observation by Ben Cat; Prejudice by Marge McKinnon; Suspended Ride by Lennox Strong; The Passing - a poem by Thom Kavlick; Marilyn (Conclusion) by Sten Russell; Cross-Currents

Vol 11, No 8
The Formidable Blue Stocking Vernon Lee by Lennox Strong; An Address by Richard L. Sutherland, M.D.; Llangollen on the Left Bank by Vern Niven; Poems on a Rainy Day by Christina; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; The Shape of Love (Part 2) by Jody Shotwell; Readers Respond; Cross-Currents and Miscellany

Vol 12, No 1
Clyde's Hearth by Jane Addison; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Three Poems by Dee; Random Thoughts for this Time by Ben Cat; Let Chickie Come Over by Flicka Moore; And the Ladies Gathered by Lennox Strong; Scenes in a Bar by Maura McCullough; Temple of Athena by Hilary Farr; Lee (a poem) by Maura McCullough; Readers Respond

Vol 12, No 3
Selection of Poems; Temple of Athena (part 3) by Hilary Farr; American Women by Lennox Strong; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Ben Cat

Vol 12, No 5
The Beautiful House by Catherine Wells; In the Spotlight by Lennox Strong; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; The Fox by Vern Niven; Temple of Athena by Hilary Farr

Vol 12, No 7
Make It Last, Baby by Zee Paulsen; Three Letters to a Poet by Jane Rule; Lesbian Literature - Annual Review by Gene Damon; Sextet - Six Poems by Maura McCullough; American Women by Lennox Strong; Benefits for Homosexual Veterans by Del Martin; Philadelphia Editorial; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Readers Respond

Vol 12, No 10
Rung by Rung by Gene Damon; Homosexuality and Sexual Identity by Martha Shelley; My Country Wrong by Jane Rule; Changing Times by Meredith Grey; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Five Poems by Kate Martin; A Man's World (Conclusion) by Jan Addison

Vol 13, No 1 & 2
The Intake Interview by Ruth M. McGuire; The Myna Bird by Jinx Clark; Dominance by Jeannette H. Foster; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; An Open Letter to Mary Daly by Rita Laporte; Part of the Way to Everywhere by Jocelyn Hayward; The Least of These by Marilyn Barrow; Publish or Perish Editorial; Sextet Poetry by Maura McCullough; Rachel, Rachel Review by Gladys Casey; Cross-Currents; Research Project Announced; Readers Respond

Vol 13, No 3 & 4
Homosexuality and The Church by Rev. Robert W. Wood; Hadley - a short story by Vicki Daniels; The Lesbian's Other Identity by Dorothy L. Martin; Intake interview (Conclusion) by Ruth McGuire; House Guest - a short story by Jane Rule; Don't Look In the Yellow Pages-Yet! by Del Martin; Christmas Message by Ben Cat; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross-Currents; Readers Respond; Poetry by Martha Shelley, Judy Grahn and Mary-Faith Albert, Ann Haley

Vol 13, No 5 & 6
Sex Roles: a glance at 4 cultures by Alice Lawrence; Rain: a poem by Maura McCullough; The Homophile and Income Tax Inequities by Val Vanderwood; The Catherine Wheel: a short story by Melinda Zeilinger; The Life-Style of the Homosexual - a symposium; Four Poems by Carla; The Bee - a short story by James Colton; Somerville and Ross, a biography reviewed by Dr. Foster; The Counsellor's Corner by Dr. Ruth M. McGuire, Ph.D., Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross-Currents; Two Poems by Maura McCullough; Readers Respond; Two Poems by Melinda Brown; Four Poems by Carla; Two Poems by Maura McCullough; Let It Go - a poem by L.D. Davis; The Killing of Sister George, a review of the movie; Side Effects - a special feature

Vol 13, No 6 & 7
The Lesbian at Work by Jo Harper; Radar! - a short story by Junerwanda; The Economics of the Gay Marriage by Julie Lee; Summer Symbiosis - four poems by Hessa; Way Station - a short story by Margaret Elliott; Gay Is Good-So What? Report by Del Martin; Lesbian Literature 1968 - an annual review by Gene Damon; Books - two reviews by Jeannette H. Foster, Ph.D.; Stand Up and Be Counted a fable in mauve by Jocelyn Hayward; Counsellor's Corner by Ruth M. McGuire, Ph.D.; Cross-Currents; Readers Respond

Vol 13, No 9 & 10
Is Heterosexuality Natural? by Marty Anderson; What the Bible Says about Homosexuality by Kim Stabinski; Two Poems by Kim Stibinski; The Fire (a short story) by Helen R. Hull; Statement on the Lesbian by The Student Homophile League; The Lesbian Paperback by Gene Damon; Sex Alone Not Enough by Florence Conrad; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Mono-Bi-and Polysexuality by Jane Ogden; The Girl Next Door (a short story) by Leo Skir; The Counsellor's Corner by Dr. Ruth M. McGuire; Cross-Currents and Miscellany; Readers Respond; Sister of Saphho: Marie Laurencin by Vern Niven

Vol 13, No 11 & 12
Two Poems; Women in History by Vern L. Bullough, Ph.D.; WACS Prevail over Army by Franklin E. Kameny, Ph.D.; 24 Poems by Renee Vivien translated by Gabrielle L'Autre; No to Nacho by Del Martin; Of What Use Nacho by Rita Laporte; The Spinster by Zee Paulsen; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Accidental Living Propaganda by Lorraine Lesnam; Consider Sappho Burning review by Jane Rule; The Counsellor's Corner by Ruth M. McGuire, Ph.D.; Mirror, Mirror on the Wall by Junerwanda; Men are the Second Sex by Wilda Chase; Variations of the Double Life by Jocelyn Hayward; Lesbians Who Won't Say "Yes" by Aline Sheridan; A Time of Sowing by Susan Fontaine; Movie Review by Jane Race; Cross-Currents; With the Women by Nancy Smith; Readers Respond

Vol 14, No 1 & 2
Chapter from an Untitled Novel in Progress by Jane Rule; Homosexuals: Should They Have Equal Rights? by Helen Hacker, Ph.D.; If the Glove Fits a short story by Diana Sterling; San Francisco Journal by Anonymous; Respectability by Martha Shelley; Thoughts on Berkeley's Finest by Barbara Stephens; Readers Respond; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross Currents

Vol 14, No 3 & 4
The Year of the Chapter by Gene Damon; Party Mosaic by Hilary Jennings; No Ordinary Lesbian by Robin Jordan; Out From Under the Rocks by Leslie Springbine; Five Poems by Shannon; Lesbianism and Feminisim by Wilda Chase; Five Poems by Nancy Lee; The Same Sex reviewed by Alice Lawrence; Four Poems by L.D. Davis; A Radical View by Louise Pelton; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross-Currents; Readers Respond; Report on REsults of Library Journal REview; Midnight Cowboy (a review) by Alice Kobayashi; KQED-FM Report on Symposium by Ocie Perry; Relative, Absolute are Bent by Whim by Sydney Harris; The Scientific Approach by H. A. L.

Vol 14, No 5 & 6
Betty George, Short Story by Gabrielle Vivian Bertrand; Gay Liberation by Leo Skir; Hope Deferred, Short Story by Isabel Miller; Poetry by Kate McColl, Flicka Moore, Karen Larsen, Carla, Carol Sale, Carrie Dawson, and Margaret Elliott; Personal File by Carla, The Last Leaf, Short Story by O'Henry; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross Currents; Readers Respond

Vol 14, No 7 & 8
Women's Coalition by Jess K. Lane; Lesbian Life in England by Val Vanderwood; Women's Wing short story by Jocelyn Haward; Uses of Sexual Guilt by James Colton; Poetry by Patricia Michaels, Michiko Yamaguchi, Gabrielle l'Autre; Matha Shelley, Celia Leman; Carol Cunliffe; Masquerade by Dorothy Lyle; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Personal File: The Transsexual Experience by Karl Ericsen; Before the Gap Becomes a Chism by Fen Gregory; Ecclesiastes be Damned episode by Patricia Michaels; Lesbian Literature in 1969 by Gene Damon; Cross Currents; Readers Respond; Whatever Happened to Sally? by Del Martin; A Brother's Viewpoint by Jack Stroud; Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright by Jane Alden

Vol 14, No 9 & 10
Poetry by Gabrielle L'Autre; In the Air Milk Rain, short story by Lynn Lonidier; This is Not For You review of Jane Rule's book by Isabel Miller; Western Homophile Conference Keynote Address by Henry (Harry) Hay; Confessions of a Pseudo Male Chauvinist by Martha Shelley; Bennett short story by Leanne Bosworth; We Need This note by Lorita J. Whitehead; Nine Poems by Elsa Gidlow; Ladies, Cowardice Does Not Become You by Lennox Strong; The Best Women Are Thin and Rich A Guest Editorial; Say It Isn't So by Rita Mae Brown; Poetry by Carol Lynk, Susan Smpadian, and Marion G. Norman; Cross Currents; Readers Respond

Vol 14, No 11 & 12
Women's Liberation Catches Up To The Ladder by Gene Damon; The Undefeatable Force by Rita Laporte; The Woman-Identified Woman by Rita Mae Brown; Middle Children by Jane Rule; The Problems of the Single Taxpayer by Stephanie Diamond; Women Show They Can by Sydney J. Harris; Twelve Poems by Lynn Lonidier; Zenobia and Priscilla by Melinda L. Brown; My God It Happened To Me Too! by Vern Niven; Two More For Champagne by Lorna Gulston; Four Poems by Rita Mae Brown; Cross Currents; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Virginia and Vita by Jane Alden; Readers Respond

Vol 15, No 1 & 2
Can Women Unite? by Rita Laporte; Beginning, short story by Isabel Miller; Questions for Cassandra, An Entertainment by Melinda L. Brown; Sexual Politics, a Review by Hope Thompson; Gemstones: Minor Works for Djuna Barnes by Carol Lynk; Personal File: Four Friends by Margaret Fulton; Dance Lesson by The Class Workshop, Drawing by W.B. Edmonds; Cross Currents; Poetry by Lyn Collins, Kathleen McKinnon, Paul Mariah, Robin Jordan, Anne Hayden, Carol Wilde, Martha Shelley, and Georgette Morreaux; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; You're Stepping on My Model T, short story by Jane Alden, Illustrated by Candi McGonagle; Good Old Golden Rule Days by Diana Sterling, Illustrated by Kate McColl; Readers Respond

Vol 15, No 3 & 4
If That's All There Is by Del Martin; Dissent and Radicalism by Rita Laporte; Poetry by Maura McCullough and Tracy Wright; My Father's House by Jane Rule (Illustration by Kate McColl); The Roman Catholic Lesbian by Kim Stabinski; Our Forgetful Male Scientists by A. Fox; Getting Ripped Off by Anonymous; From the Rose Poems by Lynn Strongin (three photographs by June M. Smith); Patriarchal Attitudes, a review by Hope Thompson; Poetry by Lynn Lonidier; Strange Victory of Sara Teasdale by Carol Lynk; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Cross Currents; Readers Respond

Vol 15, No 11 & 12
Thank You For Asking by Gene Damon; The Undefeatable Force Revisited by Rita Laporte; Mother Said Someone Called Here, short story by Mickie Burns; The Threat of Women by Lennox Strong; Journeys in Art by Jean Louise; Book Reviews by Hope Thompson; Conflict of Identity by Kane Kelley (Photograph by Lyn Jones); Of Endings, short story by Dolores Klaich; Poetry by Anne Zimova, F. Ellen Isaacs, Martha Shelley, Patricia Hanen; Female Sexual Alienation by Linda Phelps; Cross Currents; Lifeblood, short story by Ellen Gold; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Readers Respond

Vol 16, No 1 & 2
Machines Are Only Human by Wilda Chase; Political Theology or Practical Government by Rita Laporte; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Open Letter to a Black Sister by Anita R. Cornwell; Three Poems by Lyn Kelly; Cross Currents; Journeys in Art by Sarah Whitworth; Readers Respond

Vol 16, No 3 & 4
What Can You Do? by Gene Damon; Cousin Shirley's Complaint by Mickie Burns; Victory at Los Angeles (A Report on the NOW Convention); Women in Sexist Society, A Review by Hope Thompson; Warning...May be Dangerous to Your Health! by Carol Dwyer; Poetry by Rochelle Holt, Jane Kogan, Adele A. Chatelin, Lynn Strongin, Alicia Langtree, and Nathaniel Jane Harrington; Journeys in Art by Sarah Whitworth; The First Sex, a review by Hope Thompson; Ladies of Llangollen by Ellen Gold; Games, short story by F. Ellen Isaacs; Letter to a Friend by Anita Cornwell; Cross Currents; Lesbiana by Gene Damon; Readers Respond


The Ladder Vol 13 No 11-12 Aug Sept 1969.pdf
The Ladder Vol 11 No 8 Jun 1967.pdf
The Ladder Vol 12 No 1 Dec 1967.pdf
The Ladder Vol 12 No 3 Feb March 1968.pdf
The Ladder Vol 12 No 5 April 1968.pdf
The Ladder Vol 12 No 7 May June 1968.pdf
The Ladder Vol 12 No 10 Aug 1968.pdf
The Ladder Vol 13 No 1 and 2 Oct Nov 1968.pdf
The Ladder Vol 13 No 3-4 Dec Jan 1968-1969.pdf
The Ladder Vol 13 No 5-6 Feb Mar 1969.pdf
The Ladder Vol 13 No 7-8 April May 1969.pdf
The Ladder Vol 13 No 9-10 June July 1969.pdf
The Ladder Vol 11 No 7 May 1967.pdf
The Ladder Vol 14 No 1-2 Oct Nov 1969.pdf
The Ladder Vol 14 No 3-4 Dec Jan 1969 1970.pdf
The Ladder Vol 14 No 5-6 Feb Mar 1970.pdf
The Ladder Vol 14 No 7-8 Apr May 1970.pdf
The Ladder Vol 14 No 9-10 June July 1970.pdf
The Ladder Vol 14 No 11-12 Aug Sept 1970.pdf
The Ladder Vol 15 No 1-2 Oct Nov 1970.pdf
The Ladder Vol 15 No 3-4 Dec Jan 1970-1971.pdf
The Ladder Vol 15 No 11-12 Aug Sept 1971.pdf
The Ladder Vol 16 No 1-2 Oct Nov 1971.pdf
The Ladder Vol 16 No 3-4 Dec Jan 1971-1972.pdf
The Ladder Vol 10 No 1 Oct 1965.pdf
The Ladder Vol 7 No 11 Aug 1963.pdf
The Ladder Vol 8 No 2 Nov 1963.pdf
The Ladder Vol 8 No 4 Jan 1964.pdf
The Ladder Vol 8 No 6 Mar 1964.pdf
The Ladder Vol 8 No 7 Apr 1964.pdf
The Ladder Vol 8 No 8 May 1964.pdf
The Ladder Vol 8 No 9 Jun 1964.pdf
The Ladder Vol 9 No 2 Nov 1964.pdf
The Ladder Vol 9 No 3 Dec 1964.pdf
The Ladder Vol 9 No 9 June 1965.pdf
The Ladder Vol 9 No 12 Sept 1965.pdf
The Ladder Vol 7 No 9 May 1963.pdf
The Ladder Vol 10 No 2 Nov 1965.pdf
The Ladder Vol 10 No 3 Dec 1965.pdf
The Ladder Vol 10 No 4 Jan 1966.pdf
The Ladder Vol 10 No 5 Feb 1966.pdf
The Ladder Vol 10 No 10 Jul 1966.pdf
The Ladder Vol 11 No 1 Oct 1966.pdf
The Ladder Vol 11 No 3 Dec 1966.pdf
The Ladder Vol 11 No 4 Jan 1967.pdf
The Ladder Vol 11 No 5 Feb 1967.pdf
The Ladder Vol 11 No 6 Apr 1967.pdf


Daughters of Bilitis, “The Ladder,” Rainbow History Project Digital Collections, accessed March 12, 2025,

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