The Homosexual Citizen: News of Civil Liberties & Social Rights for Homosexuals
A full run (a total of 17 issues) of a publication produced jointly by the Mattachine Society of Washington and the Mattachine Society of Florida from January 1966 to May 1967.
Homosexual Citizen was a short-lived magazine published by the Mattachine Society of Washington (in occasional collaboration with the Mattachine Society of Florida) from January 1966 to May 1967. Lilli Vincenz, writing under the nom de plume Lily Hansen, edited each issue of Homosexual Citizen and described the periodical’s mission:
“The Homosexual Citizen is an addition to the ranks of homophile publications – and a good omen for the new year. We anticipate another important year of homophile activity, in which the homosexual will continue to make strides ahead on the road to acceptance as an equal human being. This magazine intends to report and reflect his progress. ...Homosexuals are…no longer content to remain in the darkness to which society consigns them but want to share the rights and responsibilities that are part of the American heritage. …The Homophile movement has finally illuminated our plight, and the day will come when the homosexual can openly play his role as a first-class citizen free of fear and discrimination.” (Vol.1, #1)
In the 16 issues that followed, Vincenz and a series of contributors–including her fellow members of the Mattachine Society of Washington–used the pages of Homosexual Citizen to report on demonstrations, the Lavender Scare and other forms of persecution, the broader homophile movement (both across the United States and abroad), and topically relevant books and film. Recurring segments included “Homophile Digest” (detailing the activities of other homophile organizations around the United States), “The Government: From Within” (specifically focused on the Mattachine Society’s battle against the US Civil Service Commission), “Newsfronts,” (highlighting regional, national, and international news related to homosexuality), “Our President Speaks” (an editorial written by MSW’s President), and “Book Review” (focusing on both academic texts and works of fiction).
A few articles of particular note:
Homosexual Citizen was a short-lived magazine published by the Mattachine Society of Washington (in occasional collaboration with the Mattachine Society of Florida) from January 1966 to May 1967. Lilli Vincenz, writing under the nom de plume Lily Hansen, edited each issue of Homosexual Citizen and described the periodical’s mission:
“The Homosexual Citizen is an addition to the ranks of homophile publications – and a good omen for the new year. We anticipate another important year of homophile activity, in which the homosexual will continue to make strides ahead on the road to acceptance as an equal human being. This magazine intends to report and reflect his progress. ...Homosexuals are…no longer content to remain in the darkness to which society consigns them but want to share the rights and responsibilities that are part of the American heritage. …The Homophile movement has finally illuminated our plight, and the day will come when the homosexual can openly play his role as a first-class citizen free of fear and discrimination.” (Vol.1, #1)
In the 16 issues that followed, Vincenz and a series of contributors–including her fellow members of the Mattachine Society of Washington–used the pages of Homosexual Citizen to report on demonstrations, the Lavender Scare and other forms of persecution, the broader homophile movement (both across the United States and abroad), and topically relevant books and film. Recurring segments included “Homophile Digest” (detailing the activities of other homophile organizations around the United States), “The Government: From Within” (specifically focused on the Mattachine Society’s battle against the US Civil Service Commission), “Newsfronts,” (highlighting regional, national, and international news related to homosexuality), “Our President Speaks” (an editorial written by MSW’s President), and “Book Review” (focusing on both academic texts and works of fiction).
A few articles of particular note:
- “Echo 1965” by Warren D. Adkins and Michael Fox (Vol. 1 #1) – A detailed summary of the 1965 East Coast Homophile Organizations conference that took place in New York in September 1965.
- “White House Picketed” by Franklin E. Kameny (Vol. 1 #1) – An account by MSW founder Frank Kameny of the October 1965 White House picket organized by MSW.
- “Breaking the News to Our Parents” by Lily Hansen (Vol. 1 #2) – A piece on “coming out” to one’s parents.
- “Kansas City Results” by Warren D. Adkins and John Marshall (Vol. 1 #4) – A summary of the first National Planning Conference of Homophile Organizations held in Kansas City in February 1966. Includes a reproduction of the statement adopted by all present organizations.
- United States Civil Service Commission Letter (Vol. 1 #5) – A full copy of John Macy’s (Chairman of the US Civil Service Commission) letter to MSW rejecting the Society’s recommendations that the Commission revise its policy on the employment of homosexuals.
- List of Homophile Organizations (Vol 1. #10) – A list of homophile organizations operating in the United States and Canada. Includes addresses.
- “Why Should I Join” (Vol. 1 #11) by Warren D. Adkins – An entreaty to homosexuals to join the growing rights movement.
- Mattachine Society of Washington Statement of Purpose (Vol. 1 #11) – A full copy of the Society’s purpose and aims.
- “What is Beiberism” (Vol. 1 #12) by Warren D. Adkins – A detailed critique, including references, of Dr. Irving Beiber’s Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study. Foreshadowing the homophile movement’s efforts to remove homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
- “If You Are Arrested” (Vol. 2 #1) – A two part guide detailing United States citizens’ rights under the law and how to respond to federal investigations.
- “The Homophile Movement: A Historical Perspective” by Warren D. Adkins (Vol. 2 #1) – An early history of the movement placing the activities of US based organizations within a broader international context.
Table Of Contents
Vol. 1, No. 1:
Editorial by Lily Hansen; Straight from the Shoulder by Gail Gonzalez; ECHO '65 by Warren D. Adkins and Michael Fox; Our President Speaks by John Marshall, White House Picketed by Franklin E. Kameny, Yet Another Picket by Eva Friend, College Essay by Steve M., Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins, Book of the Year by Richard A. Inman, In the Same Boat by Robert C. Hayden and Warren D. Adkins
Vol. 1, No. 2:
To the Heterosexual Community by Membership Committee of the Mattachine Society of Washington; Viewpoints: Breaking the News to Our Parents by Lily Hansen; Announcement: Clergy Invite Homosexuals to Significant Meeting; Panel at American University by Tony Jarvis; Newsfronts by Warren Adkins; Book Review of 'In Defense of Homosexuality' by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Editorial by Richard A. Inman; Is it Normal? by J. Richard Nicholls; An Embrace for the Public by Robert C. Hayden
Vol. 1, No 3:
Editorial: A Magnificent Impatience by Unknown (likely Lily Hansen); The Homosexual and the Psychoanalyst: Part One by Dr. George Weinberg; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; Straight from the Shoulder: Speaking Out by Mrs. Gail Gonzales; Security Clearances for Homosexual Citizens: Mattachine Society Meets with Justice Department by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Viewpoints: Bridge to Understanding by Lily Hansen; Editorial by Robert C. Hayden; A Challenge to Hate Mongers by Richard A. Inman; A Question of Values by Foster Gunnison, Jr.; New Office Announcement and DOB Convention. Editorial: A Magnificent Impatience by Unknown (likely Lily Hansen); The Homosexual and the Psychoanalyst: Part One by Dr. George Weinberg; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; Straight from the Shoulder: Speaking Out by Mrs. Gail Gonzales; Security Clearances for Homosexual Citizens: Mattachine Society Meets with Justice Department by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Viewpoints: Bridge to Understanding by Lily Hansen; Editorial by Robert C. Hayden; A Challenge to Hate Mongers by Richard A. Inman; A Question of Values by Foster Gunnison, Jr.; New Office Announcement and DOB Convention.
Vol. 1, No 4:
The Homosexual and the Psychoanalyst: Part Two by Dr. George Weinberg; Washington Homosexual Community and Their Police by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Kansas City Results by Warren D. Adkins and John Marshall; Our President Speaks by John Marshall; Down with Antiheterosexuality by Michael Fox; Book Review of The Young Homosexual by Lee Dorian by Charles Powers; The Agony of the Mask by Foster Gunnison Jr.; Advertisement for The Ladder
Vol. 1, No 5:
Editorial: To Exist or Not Exist by Unknown (likely Lily Hansen); Letter from Civil Service Commission; A Short History: MSW Meets with Civil Service Commission by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Homosexuality in Films by Henry McInnis; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; A Homosexual Looks at the "Sickness Theory" by Warren D. Adkins; Advertisement for transcripts of ECHO Conference 1964
Vol. 1, No 6:
Hamilton Hotel Settles by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; May 21st Nationwide Protest by John Marshall; Two Arrested for Extortion by David Slighton; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; The Standard of Love: Comments on a Major Trend in Christian Thought by Warren D. Adkins; New York Report by David Slighton; The Psychiatrist as Social Tranquilizer by L. E. Elson
Vol. 1, No 7:
How to Stop Blackmailers by Michael Fox; Nationwide Attack on Draft Injustices by John Marshall; Marching to the Pentagon by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Recent Books: Sociological Aspects of Homosexuality by Michael Schofield by I. Eva Bene, M.A., Ph.D.
Vol. 1, No 8:
There's a Dossier on You: It Might Not Be in CIA or FBI Files; It Might Only Be FHA's Check on Marital Stability by Richard Harwood; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; British Law Reform by David Wayne; Illinois No Paradise for Homosexuals by David Wayne; Book Review of The Microcosm by Maureen Duffy by Susan Colodny
Vol. 1, No 9:
"Gomosexualizm" Through Soviet Eyes by O. Hucrane; May They Stay in the USA? by David Wayne; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Outrage in Yemen by David Wayne; Brooklyn Heights Mattachine Society by Herman Slade; Homophile Freedom Song by "Denny"; Gross Remarks in the House by Stephen Donaldson
Vol. 1, No 10:
The Invert and His Social Adjustment by Anomaly reviewed by Dr. Walter C. Alvarez; The Erotic Minorities by Lars Ullerstam reviewed by David Wayne; Newsfronts by Warren Adkins; How Not To Get a Roommate by Ward Hudson; Cassandra at the Wedding: A Comparative Analysis by Jody R. Shotwell; Homophile Digest: News from Other Organizations by David Wayne
Vol. 1, No 11:
Censorship by Ronald Dean; Why Should I Join? by Warren D. Adkins; British Gaiety by Lily Hansen; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Our President Speaks by John Marshall; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; Homophile Digest: News from Other Organizations; Mattachine Society of Washington advertisement including "statement of purpose"
Vol. 1, No 12:
What Is Bieberism? by Warren D. Adkins; Announcements of CBS Reports program on homophile movement and formation of homophile organizations at Columbia University and Norfolk, VA; The Supreme Court Will Review by David Wayne; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Logic and the Ethics of Sex by Foster Gunnison, Jr. (book review of Sexuality Morality by Ronald Atkinson); 1966 Index of The Homosexual Citizen
Vol. 2, No 1:
If You Are Arrested; MSW Members Pay Call on Steve Allison by Lily Hansen; Homosexuals and Clergy In Three-Day Seminar by Franklin E. Kameny; The Film Avant-Garde by John Marshall; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Distorted Spotlight by Susan Colodny; Homophile Digest: News from Other Organizations; Advertisement requesting donations to support legal fees associated with Boutilier v. Immigration and Naturalization Service
Vol. 2, No 2:
Two Views of Look: First View by David Wayne; Two Views of Look: Second View by Michael Fox; Mattachine Greets X-mas Shoppers by Lily Hansen; Another Angle by Foster Gunnison Jr.; Rene Guyon, Philosopher of Sexual Freedom by Warren D. Adkins; More on Bieber by Richard Inman; Film Review: Oscar Wilde by Tony Jarvis
Vol. 2, No 3:
Sad Celebration in L.A. Gay Bars by Franklin E. Kameny; Sex in the Sixties by John Marshall; Book Review: One In Twenty by David Wayne; The Hidden Bias: The Homophile Movement and Law Reform by Foster Gunnison Jr.; An Antique Originality by Christopher Martin; The Film Avant-Garde, II by John Marshall; Editorial: U.S. Guardian Angel by Michael Fox; Advertisement for copies of Richard Inman brief at hearing of House Mental Health Committee of the Florida Legislature
Vol. 2, No 4:
The Homosexuals Viewed Through the Big Eye by David Wayne; The Homophile Movement: A Historical Perspective by Warren Adkins; Correction by Foster Gunnison Jr. to The Hidden Bias; Homophile Digest: News from Other Organizations
Vol. 2, No 5:
Happiness Home-Made by J.H.; The Washington-Baltimore TV Circuit by Warren D. Adkins; The Way We Live by Susan Colodny; Oh, To Be in England--Where Bieber Is Not! by Christopher Martin; CBS Documentary Draws Mixed Press Reaction by David Wayne
Editorial by Lily Hansen; Straight from the Shoulder by Gail Gonzalez; ECHO '65 by Warren D. Adkins and Michael Fox; Our President Speaks by John Marshall, White House Picketed by Franklin E. Kameny, Yet Another Picket by Eva Friend, College Essay by Steve M., Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins, Book of the Year by Richard A. Inman, In the Same Boat by Robert C. Hayden and Warren D. Adkins
Vol. 1, No. 2:
To the Heterosexual Community by Membership Committee of the Mattachine Society of Washington; Viewpoints: Breaking the News to Our Parents by Lily Hansen; Announcement: Clergy Invite Homosexuals to Significant Meeting; Panel at American University by Tony Jarvis; Newsfronts by Warren Adkins; Book Review of 'In Defense of Homosexuality' by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Editorial by Richard A. Inman; Is it Normal? by J. Richard Nicholls; An Embrace for the Public by Robert C. Hayden
Vol. 1, No 3:
Editorial: A Magnificent Impatience by Unknown (likely Lily Hansen); The Homosexual and the Psychoanalyst: Part One by Dr. George Weinberg; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; Straight from the Shoulder: Speaking Out by Mrs. Gail Gonzales; Security Clearances for Homosexual Citizens: Mattachine Society Meets with Justice Department by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Viewpoints: Bridge to Understanding by Lily Hansen; Editorial by Robert C. Hayden; A Challenge to Hate Mongers by Richard A. Inman; A Question of Values by Foster Gunnison, Jr.; New Office Announcement and DOB Convention. Editorial: A Magnificent Impatience by Unknown (likely Lily Hansen); The Homosexual and the Psychoanalyst: Part One by Dr. George Weinberg; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; Straight from the Shoulder: Speaking Out by Mrs. Gail Gonzales; Security Clearances for Homosexual Citizens: Mattachine Society Meets with Justice Department by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Viewpoints: Bridge to Understanding by Lily Hansen; Editorial by Robert C. Hayden; A Challenge to Hate Mongers by Richard A. Inman; A Question of Values by Foster Gunnison, Jr.; New Office Announcement and DOB Convention.
Vol. 1, No 4:
The Homosexual and the Psychoanalyst: Part Two by Dr. George Weinberg; Washington Homosexual Community and Their Police by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Kansas City Results by Warren D. Adkins and John Marshall; Our President Speaks by John Marshall; Down with Antiheterosexuality by Michael Fox; Book Review of The Young Homosexual by Lee Dorian by Charles Powers; The Agony of the Mask by Foster Gunnison Jr.; Advertisement for The Ladder
Vol. 1, No 5:
Editorial: To Exist or Not Exist by Unknown (likely Lily Hansen); Letter from Civil Service Commission; A Short History: MSW Meets with Civil Service Commission by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; Homosexuality in Films by Henry McInnis; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; A Homosexual Looks at the "Sickness Theory" by Warren D. Adkins; Advertisement for transcripts of ECHO Conference 1964
Vol. 1, No 6:
Hamilton Hotel Settles by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; May 21st Nationwide Protest by John Marshall; Two Arrested for Extortion by David Slighton; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; The Standard of Love: Comments on a Major Trend in Christian Thought by Warren D. Adkins; New York Report by David Slighton; The Psychiatrist as Social Tranquilizer by L. E. Elson
Vol. 1, No 7:
How to Stop Blackmailers by Michael Fox; Nationwide Attack on Draft Injustices by John Marshall; Marching to the Pentagon by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Recent Books: Sociological Aspects of Homosexuality by Michael Schofield by I. Eva Bene, M.A., Ph.D.
Vol. 1, No 8:
There's a Dossier on You: It Might Not Be in CIA or FBI Files; It Might Only Be FHA's Check on Marital Stability by Richard Harwood; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; British Law Reform by David Wayne; Illinois No Paradise for Homosexuals by David Wayne; Book Review of The Microcosm by Maureen Duffy by Susan Colodny
Vol. 1, No 9:
"Gomosexualizm" Through Soviet Eyes by O. Hucrane; May They Stay in the USA? by David Wayne; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Outrage in Yemen by David Wayne; Brooklyn Heights Mattachine Society by Herman Slade; Homophile Freedom Song by "Denny"; Gross Remarks in the House by Stephen Donaldson
Vol. 1, No 10:
The Invert and His Social Adjustment by Anomaly reviewed by Dr. Walter C. Alvarez; The Erotic Minorities by Lars Ullerstam reviewed by David Wayne; Newsfronts by Warren Adkins; How Not To Get a Roommate by Ward Hudson; Cassandra at the Wedding: A Comparative Analysis by Jody R. Shotwell; Homophile Digest: News from Other Organizations by David Wayne
Vol. 1, No 11:
Censorship by Ronald Dean; Why Should I Join? by Warren D. Adkins; British Gaiety by Lily Hansen; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Our President Speaks by John Marshall; Newsfronts by Warren D. Adkins; Homophile Digest: News from Other Organizations; Mattachine Society of Washington advertisement including "statement of purpose"
Vol. 1, No 12:
What Is Bieberism? by Warren D. Adkins; Announcements of CBS Reports program on homophile movement and formation of homophile organizations at Columbia University and Norfolk, VA; The Supreme Court Will Review by David Wayne; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Logic and the Ethics of Sex by Foster Gunnison, Jr. (book review of Sexuality Morality by Ronald Atkinson); 1966 Index of The Homosexual Citizen
Vol. 2, No 1:
If You Are Arrested; MSW Members Pay Call on Steve Allison by Lily Hansen; Homosexuals and Clergy In Three-Day Seminar by Franklin E. Kameny; The Film Avant-Garde by John Marshall; The Government: From Within by Evan Colodny; Distorted Spotlight by Susan Colodny; Homophile Digest: News from Other Organizations; Advertisement requesting donations to support legal fees associated with Boutilier v. Immigration and Naturalization Service
Vol. 2, No 2:
Two Views of Look: First View by David Wayne; Two Views of Look: Second View by Michael Fox; Mattachine Greets X-mas Shoppers by Lily Hansen; Another Angle by Foster Gunnison Jr.; Rene Guyon, Philosopher of Sexual Freedom by Warren D. Adkins; More on Bieber by Richard Inman; Film Review: Oscar Wilde by Tony Jarvis
Vol. 2, No 3:
Sad Celebration in L.A. Gay Bars by Franklin E. Kameny; Sex in the Sixties by John Marshall; Book Review: One In Twenty by David Wayne; The Hidden Bias: The Homophile Movement and Law Reform by Foster Gunnison Jr.; An Antique Originality by Christopher Martin; The Film Avant-Garde, II by John Marshall; Editorial: U.S. Guardian Angel by Michael Fox; Advertisement for copies of Richard Inman brief at hearing of House Mental Health Committee of the Florida Legislature
Vol. 2, No 4:
The Homosexuals Viewed Through the Big Eye by David Wayne; The Homophile Movement: A Historical Perspective by Warren Adkins; Correction by Foster Gunnison Jr. to The Hidden Bias; Homophile Digest: News from Other Organizations
Vol. 2, No 5:
Happiness Home-Made by J.H.; The Washington-Baltimore TV Circuit by Warren D. Adkins; The Way We Live by Susan Colodny; Oh, To Be in England--Where Bieber Is Not! by Christopher Martin; CBS Documentary Draws Mixed Press Reaction by David Wayne
Mattachine Society of Washington and Mattachine Society of Florida, “The Homosexual Citizen: News of Civil Liberties & Social Rights for Homosexuals,” Rainbow History Project Digital Collections, accessed March 11, 2025,
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- Homosexual Citizen Vol 2 No 1 Jan1967.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 12 Dec 1966.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 11 Nov 1966.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 10 Oct 1966.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 1 Jan 1966.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 8 Aug 1966.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 7 Jul 1966.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 6 Jun 1966.pdf
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- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 4 Apr 1966.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 3 Mar 1966.pdf
- Homosexual Citizen Vol 1 No 2 Feb 1966.pdf
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