Gay Pride, Washington, D.C. workshops & seminar programs
Bruce Pennington Papers, 1947-2003
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Bruce Pennington Papers, 1947-2003
Washington (D.C.)
Original Format
mimeographed document
FRIDAY MAY 5, 3 to 6 p.m.—GATHERING FOR STUDENTS AND GAY YOUTH—An opportunity for gay young people from the DC Metropolitan area to gather, meet each other and rap about their situations. All area gay high school and college studeats, as well as younger gays no longer in school are welcome. Representatires of Gay Desk of the National Student Association will be present.
SATURDAY MAY 6, 1 to 6p.m. COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS ON GAY SUBJECTS, All Souls Unitarian Church, 16th & Harvard Streets N.W. A series of conferences, workshops, and seminars. Topics include:
GAYS IN PRISON—Individuals in the Gay community who are concerned about the plight of gay people in prisons are gathering to form a community task force to roach our gay sisters and brothers in area penal institutions. Rights of gay prisoners, correspondence and visitation programs, and plans for a halfway house for gay parolees will be discussed.
MEDIA—-When the "media" discusses homosexuals, coverage is generally inaccurate or distorted. This session will explore coverage and presentation of gay news from the establishment and alternative media points of view. Participants include Roy Eddy, of Motive magazine and a representative of the Unicorn News Collective.
MILITARY—Recent cases in this area have drown attention to situations of gay men and women given aniLMJgjth 1MIHX less-than honorable discharges from the military. Panelists will include principals in recent area cases who will explore the opression of gays by the military service.
RELIGION—Gays active in local gay churches will discuss the role of religion in Gay Life.
WOMEN—A program planned by gay women.
Topic to be discussed—CONFLICT; Lesbian Feminists vs. Feminist Lesbians
GAY CULTURE—A discussion of gay peoples contribution to culture - an analysis of "camp", a mandate for gay studies to be taught in schools. Participants will include people active in most aspects of the lively arts.
LIFE STYLES—Coming out and afterwards. How gay people life : the variety of living arragements, developing gay oriented values in relationships; alternatives to heterosexual lifestyles. Developing a gay consciousness.
THIRD WORLD—A gathering of Black Gays will discuss the relationship between Black Liberation and Gay Liberation.
LEGAL—A panel of lawyers and legal experts will discuss special legal problems of gays, and will answer questions and advise gays with special legal problems.
COMMUNITY—The concept of Gay community. Do we have one? Is possible for Gay people So have a unified community. How does it happen?
PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH—A group of enlightened doctors and and therapists will discuss gay health problems. Special attention will be given to crwtatmw helping Gays create and maintain a positive mental attitude. Question and Answer session.
POLITICS—Within and outside the Gay Movement. Role of Gays in presidential elections. Political differences within the Gay movement. Community politics involving Gay People. Participants will include Morris Kight of Los Angeles GLF, looel Martin, Reform Democrat; Total Assault, Gay Revolution Parly, Guy Charles, DCGAA; and a representative or the D.C. Statehood party.
FRIDAY MAY 5, 3 to 6 p.m.—GATHERING FOR STUDENTS AND GAY YOUTH—An opportunity for gay young people from the DC Metropolitan area to gather, meet each other and rap about their situations. All area gay high school and college studeats, as well as younger gays no longer in school are welcome. Representatires of Gay Desk of the National Student Association will be present.
SATURDAY MAY 6, 1 to 6p.m. COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS ON GAY SUBJECTS, All Souls Unitarian Church, 16th & Harvard Streets N.W. A series of conferences, workshops, and seminars. Topics include:
GAYS IN PRISON—Individuals in the Gay community who are concerned about the plight of gay people in prisons are gathering to form a community task force to roach our gay sisters and brothers in area penal institutions. Rights of gay prisoners, correspondence and visitation programs, and plans for a halfway house for gay parolees will be discussed.
MEDIA—-When the "media" discusses homosexuals, coverage is generally inaccurate or distorted. This session will explore coverage and presentation of gay news from the establishment and alternative media points of view. Participants include Roy Eddy, of Motive magazine and a representative of the Unicorn News Collective.
MILITARY—Recent cases in this area have drown attention to situations of gay men and women given aniLMJgjth 1MIHX less-than honorable discharges from the military. Panelists will include principals in recent area cases who will explore the opression of gays by the military service.
RELIGION—Gays active in local gay churches will discuss the role of religion in Gay Life.
WOMEN—A program planned by gay women.
Topic to be discussed—CONFLICT; Lesbian Feminists vs. Feminist Lesbians
GAY CULTURE—A discussion of gay peoples contribution to culture - an analysis of "camp", a mandate for gay studies to be taught in schools. Participants will include people active in most aspects of the lively arts.
LIFE STYLES—Coming out and afterwards. How gay people life : the variety of living arragements, developing gay oriented values in relationships; alternatives to heterosexual lifestyles. Developing a gay consciousness.
THIRD WORLD—A gathering of Black Gays will discuss the relationship between Black Liberation and Gay Liberation.
LEGAL—A panel of lawyers and legal experts will discuss special legal problems of gays, and will answer questions and advise gays with special legal problems.
COMMUNITY—The concept of Gay community. Do we have one? Is possible for Gay people So have a unified community. How does it happen?
PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH—A group of enlightened doctors and and therapists will discuss gay health problems. Special attention will be given to crwtatmw helping Gays create and maintain a positive mental attitude. Question and Answer session.
POLITICS—Within and outside the Gay Movement. Role of Gays in presidential elections. Political differences within the Gay movement. Community politics involving Gay People. Participants will include Morris Kight of Los Angeles GLF, looel Martin, Reform Democrat; Total Assault, Gay Revolution Parly, Guy Charles, DCGAA; and a representative or the D.C. Statehood party.
“Gay Pride, Washington, D.C. workshops & seminar programs,” Rainbow History Project Digital Collections, accessed January 15, 2025,
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