Events calendar


Calendar of events for the period May 5-25, 1972, including numerous events for Gay Pride 1972.


Quicksilver Times, May 5-25, 1972, p. 23

Is Part Of

Bruce Pennington Papers, 1947-2003







Washington (D.C.)

Original Format



Quicksilver Times
Send all Calandar stuff to the
kalandar kids, 1736 R St., NW, 20009
Everything belou Hated without a
vriee is free to the beet of our
Fri. 5
10am-12:Demonstration of coiling clay
into huge water jars by Nigerian pot
t e r , Kofi Athey. Nigerian pottery
slide and film lecture by Michael
Cardew. (Also from l-3p» 8 on Sat.)
Roosevelt HS, 12th 8 Upshur S t s . , NW
11am: Gl-civilian demonstration
against the war. Andrews Air Force
base. Beltway exit 35.
12pm: Gay Speakers Rally, Lafayette
Park. 16th 6 Pa. Ave.
3pm: Gay student rap session, Community
Bookshop,.2028 P S t . , NW
3:30-7:30pm: Coop Coffeehouse,
Georgetown University Center.
3pm: Netherlands Carillon Concert.
Near the Iwo Jiiia Memorial, Arlington
Cemetary. More Concerts on May 7,
14, 21, 28 and 29.
8pm: Gay Poetry Reading, Community
Bookshop, 2nd floor, 2028 P S t . , NW.
8pm: Film every friday during May at
the Community Bookshop.
12am: Free Gay movies at The Metropole,
411 L S t . , NW.
8am: Spring Bird Walk in Glover Archibold
Park with guest leader from Audubon
Society. 44th S Reservoir Rd.
10am-4pm: Kite Festival: in cooperation
with the Japanese Embassy. Bring
your own kite or make one at the park.
Greenbelt Park, Md. Info:426-6816
12-6pm: Community workshops on Gay
subjects. All Soul's Church, 16th 8
Harvard S t s . , NW.
2pm-dusk: Washington Area Free Univ.
4th annual counter-prom. Bring food,
instruments, kites...whatever to
Fort Reno Park(between Nebraska Ave.
Fessenden,Chesapeake 5 Belt S t s . ; or
behind The Seed on Wisconsin Ave.)
8pm-12: WAFU Coffeehouse at Grace
Church, 1041 Wisconsin Ave.,NK.
Munchies. 387-5437.
9pm: Free Gay Dance 5 Arts Festival,
GM Community Center, 1213 13th St.
9am-5pm: Turkey Run Bike Day: exclusive
use of the northbound lanes of
GW Memorial Parkway, Va., for bicyc
l i s t s from Windy Run to Turkey Run.
Parking 8 rentals at Turkey Run Park
l:30-4pa: Fort Washington Tour: "Man
and the River"(oink).Conducted by a
park ranger". Begins below the old
fort, Ft. Washington, Md.
2pm:Gay mass in the park. Area 9,
near 16th 8. Sherrill Dr., NW, Rock
Creek Park.
4pm: Gay-In-Picnic, Area 9 (see 2pm)
Evening: Vigil for Gay Prisoners at
Patuxent State Prison. Cars leave
Area 9 at 6pm. (see 2pm.)
7pm: 29th American music festival:
Orchestral, chamber, piano and vocal
music. Nat'l Gallery of Art, East
.Garden Court. Repeated May 14 S 21.
DIEN'BIENPHU, 1954 May 8 '
lOamSlpm: Bob Brown Puppeteers prean
original production, "Freddy
the King of the Yuks." 4 yrs.8
up. Reservations. Rock Creek Nature
Center, [weekdays)
10am-5:30pm: "If e l e c t e d . . . " Exhibitlon
of more than 80 p o r t r a i t s 6 S00
campaign items of unsuccessful presidential
candidates, from 1796-1968.
National Portrait Gallery. F at 8th
S t . , NK. Daily thru Sept. 4)
11:15,12:15, 1:15: One of a 6 part
series df 45 minute films covering
the work of Edouard Manet, Paul
Cezanne, Claude Monet, Georges Seurat
Henri Rousseau. 8. Edward Munch. Nat'l
Gallery of Art. 6th S Constitution
Ave., NW (also Sundays at 12:1S,
1:15, 6 8 7pm, each week for the next
s ix weeksO
10am: Rock Creek Nature Center Planitarium
Show. Reservations necessary
at 426-6829. Military and Glover Rds.
NW.(also weekdays at 1 8. 4pm)
10:30am: Picture Book Hour -for 3-5
year olds. Cleveland Park Library,
Conn. Ave 8 Macomb S t . , NW.
All day: "The Architecture of Washington,
D.C." Exhibit at The Octogon,
18th fi New York Ave., NW(thru May 21)
Center, Military and Glover Rds., NW.
(Roosevelt Island in the Potomac just
below Key Bridge also has long,
quiet t r a i l s . Reach i t off George
Washington Memorial Pkwy. in Va.
7:30-10:30: Gay Womens Open House.
Call 671-3762. Women only please.
7:00pm: Gay Students Alliance general
meeting. Room 213, Student Union
building, Univ. of Md.
8:00pm: Gay Students Alliance Walk In
and Talk session. Room 213(see 7pm)
4:00: Picture Book Hour at the
Georgetown library, Wise. 8 R St.,NW
6-10pm: College Park F004. Coop open
at the Catholic Student Center, 4141
Guilford Rd. Info:558-3274 or Cora
338-2030 Ext.10.
6:30pm: Hatha Yoga class 8 vegy dinner.
Sivananda Yoga Society, 811 11th
St.,NW.(M-Th:6:30; Sat:9:30am 5 12,
Sun:3) $2 donation. 347-3355
7pm: Chanting 8 meditation at the
Integral Yoga Institute House, 2445
Porter S t . , NW. 244-5538. $1 donation
7pm: Babagi's Kriya Yoga class. 1818
Riggs P I . , NW. Apt.210.
8:30pm: "The Firebugs"-a man is so
devoted to his buisness interests
that he i s incapable of action In a
c r i s i s . Back Alley Theatre, 1365 Kennedy
S t . , NW. 723-2040. Gen. Adm.-$3,
students-$2, group rates available,
(thru Sunday)
Fri. 12
Today: Order food from your neighborhood
Glut food coop buying club. For
more info call 462-2818.
2:50-lam: Garrish Grape Coffeehouse,
Rockville, Md. 424-3928
3-7pm: Buying clubs get club orders
at Food Coop. Info: 462-2818
5-9pm: Takoma Park recycling center,
Takoma Park Jr. HS, 7611 Piney Branch,
6:30-8:30: Gay men's group at the Radical
Therapy Center, 1724 20th St.,NW
8Dm-lam: Back Door Coffeehouse. Wilson
Ave. 8 Cordell Lane Bethesda Md.
8pm-lam: Women's Song S Dance Fest at
,GAA Hall, 1213-1219 13th S t . , NW.
Singing, dancing, live entertainment,
refreshments. $2 donation to benefit
Wash. Womens Center. Women only pleez m
Sat 13
10am-12 8 2-4pm: 2 shows of indooroutdoor
"do and see festival" for
young people 6-12 years old. Arts 8
crafts, music, puppet show, mime
troupe, tours, treasure hunts, etc.
Smithsonian's National Collection of
Fine Arts, 9th S t . , NW, between F 8 G.
More info: 381-5911 Mary.
All day: Wheaton Community Center
11711 Georgia Ave. Wheaton local
groups. 949-5690 for info.
10am-3pm: Recycle your glass, aluminum
8 paper t o the parking lot
near Nature Center in Rock Creek
Park off Military Rd. (also Sun.)
10am: Meeting Metropolitan Abortion
Alliance, Rm. 410, GW Student Cntr.
21st & H. Guest speaker.
12:30pm 8 2:30pm: Smithsonian Puppet
Theatre. Chi'iren J l , Adults
$1.50. (Sun. alao).
8-11:30 pm: S.O.T.N.A. Coffeehouse,
2723 King St. Alex., Va. Live entertainment,
food, drinks,talk.
9pm: Fabrangen Coffeehouse- coffee,
tea, fold music, food, good r a p s . ..
1627 21st St., NW.
9pm-12:30am: Group Troup Coffeehouse
(Room 112, Student Union, Univ. of
Md. Free food 8 entertainment
Sua 14
10am-12 8 2-4pm:
Live show.
2-4pm: Free concert at Dept. of Int
e r i o r Auditorium, C St, between
18th 8 19th. Bluegrass music!
2:30-4:3Qpm: Marxist News Analyses,
Alfred Henly 8 guest lecturers,
Rm. 104, Healy, Georgetown Univ.
5pm: Opulent festival $ feast,
Krishna Temple, 2015 Q S t . , NW.
I0am81pm:Bob Brown Puppeteers(see
last Monday.)
10am-5:30pm:"If Elected., ' (s<
last Monday.)
I(h30am:Spiritual Vegetarian Lunch
at the Krishna Temple. 2015 Q St.
•Spare Change. (Hon. thru Fri.)
10:30am57pm: Kundalini Yoga class
at the Ahimsa Ashram, 1704 Q St.
7pm: Open Intermediate Hatha Yoga
class. Willoughby Apts, 4501 Willard,
Chevy Chase, Md.(near Wisconsin
6 Western)
lies. 16
10am-4pm: Potter's House coffeehouse
16S8 Columbia Rd.,NW. 383-9697.(Mon)
l:30pm:Picture Book Hour for 3-5 yr
olds. West End Library, 24thSL Sts.
7pm: Freedom or Slavery political
rap session at Freedom House, McLean
Va. Info: Mike Tecton 356-5800
7pm: Open beginners Hatha Yoga class
(see last Monday 7pm.)
8:30pm: Talk 6 Discussion with Kamal
Boullata, Palestinian Artist on "Art
S Revolution". Community Bookshop,
2nd floor. 2028 P St. Recommended.
S:30pm: Comic opera concert. "Cindere
l l a " . Concert Hall, Kennedy Center.
4:00: Picture Book Hour at the
Georgetown library. Wise.Ave.6 R St.
6:30pm: Hatha Yoga class 8 vegy dinner,
(see last Thursday.)
7pm:ChantingSmeditation(see last Th)
7pw: Babaji's Kriya Yoga class, (see
last Thursday)
A big bag of tiny leather scraps
free to any leather crafts person
for the asking. Call 387-6688
8pm: Drug rap group at the Free
nic. Wise. Ave. 8 Volta St.
Fri. 19
6:30-8:30pm: Gay men's group. Radical
therapy center, 1724 20th St. NW
8pm: Open rap group at Free Clinic-
Georgetown Lutheran Church. -
8pm: Gay Coffeehouse, Room 23S, Student
Union Bldg., Univ. of Md.
8:30pm-lam: Iguana Coffeehouse,
1226 Vermont Ave. 8 N St. 667-1377.
(also Sat.)
Sat 20
10am-12 6 2-4pm: "Day in the Life."
Live show. Old Stone House, M St.
11am: Support free health; join the
weekly' clean-up of the Wash. Free
Clinic, Wise. 6 Volta PI., NW, in
Georgetown at the Georgetown Memor
i a l Lutheran Church, 96S-S476.
llam-2pm:Third, Circle Coffeehouse,
2811 M S t . , NW.
8pm-12am: Sparc holds Coffeehouse,
Bath S t . , Springfield, Va. Free
9pm-lam: The Gate Coffeehouse. Folk
8 classical music, movies, discussioi
8 refreshments. 3338 M St. NW, 337-
4283. Free!
Sam-noon: Takoma Park Recycling
Center- Takoma Park J r . HS, 7611
Piney Branch Rd.(Fri. also) M.
Sun. 21
l:30-3pm: The Gate Coffehouse.
Open stage.(see yesterday).
2:30pm: Yoga Body Movement Awareness-
Grace Church, Georgetown.
Group Synergy. Call Dave Dance,
6pm: Radical Therapy open group. Radical
Therapy Cntr., 1724 20th St.NW
7pm: Classical music concert,, National
Gallery of Art.6th 8 Constitution
Ave., NW
8:30pm: Comic opera, "Cinderella",
Man 22
10am 8 lpm: Bob Brown Puppeteers
(see last Monday) -
10am-5:30pm: "If Elected..."
(see last Monday.)
10:30am: Spiritual Vegetarian Lunch
at the Krishna Temple.(see last Mon.)
10:30am: Picture Book Hour (3-5yr.
old) Chevy Chase Branch Library,
Conn. Ave. near McKinley, NW.
10:30am 8 7pm: Kundalina Yoga Clas
ses, 1704 Q S t . , NW. 483-6660.
7-9pm: Expectant Parents classes,
Amerikan Red Cross, 202S E St , NW
Call 857-3623. (Daily)
6:30-8:30pm: Zen Meditation- Wash.
Area Zendo, 1717 P St. NW (also Th.)
7pm: regular open meeting of the
Peoples Fund at Saja Job Coop office,
1856 19th St. NW.
8pm: Open Gay rap group at Free
Clinic, Wisconsin Ave., NW, Georgetown.
8pm-12am: The Gate Coffeehouse,
(see last Saturday, 9pm.)




Gay Liberation Front (Washington, D.C.), “Events calendar,” Rainbow History Project Digital Collections, accessed February 5, 2025,

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