Talent/unTalent Show: 1995 and 1996 [films]


Recordings of the Asians and Friends talent shows from 1995 and 1996.

Table Of Contents

August 19, 1995
TRT 00:29:28,29

00:14–00:26  Open Slide: Asians and Friends of Washington Talent/unTalent Show. August 19, 1995. Tonight’s program: Bella Bottom Dee Lite; John D. Guzman; Josie Cotton Asks the Eternal Question; Statistics; G.F. Swanson; A Visit to 17th Street; Whores from Hell; 
00:47  - Begin music, empty stage
00:59 -  Emcee is Koset Surakomol, President of Asians and Friends Washington
02:14-10:10 -- Bella Bottom Dee Lite
10:11-11:22 -- Koset
11:24-14:29 -- John D. Guzman
14:30-15:02 -- Koset
15:03-17:46 -- Josie Cotton Asks the Eternal Question
17:47-18:27 -- Koset
18:28-23:55 -- Statistics
23:56-25:05 -- Koset
25:07-28:51 -- G.F. Swanson

TRT 00:16:05,11
There was a substantial break in the tape, and then a second recording of the same show (same Emcee, same scenery)
00:00-08:39 -- A Visit to 17th Street
08:40-09:18 -- Koset
09:20-14:10 -- Whores from Hell

October 20, 1996

TRT 00:45:21,12

00:18-00:50 -- New Emcee: White man in tuxedo
00:51-03:37 -- Ivan the Terrible
03:38-04:14 -- Emcee introduces Japanese commercials recorded by Michael
04:16-05:26 -- This is the recording of Japanese commercials projected on an overhead screen.
05:27-06:14 -- Emcee
06:15-11:01 -- "Jim Foxworthy from Nashville" in a red sweater playing a ukelele
11:10-11:45 -- Emcee
11:46-13:58 -- Seated interview by Emcee with "Virginia Coach and Porn Star Ty Fox" [aka Jeffrey Dion Bruton] played by John Steadman
13:59-14:27 -- Emcee
14:29-25:06 -- Stand-up performance by Rome, including interactions with audience
25:08-25:18 -- Emcee
25:20-29:57 -- "Men on Film" with Dane and Ian
29:59-33:09 -- 6 men performing modern dance or Tai Chi or other calisthenics. Twan's Dance Company.
33:10-34:18 --  Dark room with intro remarks for "The Supremes"
34:20-42:16 -- Rear room entrance of men in drag. Lights low; spotlight. Lights come up in front; 3 queens doing "Stop in the Name of Love," and other songs. 
42:17-45:09 -- One man speaking, giving gift certificates to Trumpets to performers based on applause. 


“Talent/unTalent Show: 1995 and 1996 [films],” Rainbow History Project Digital Collections, accessed March 6, 2025, https://archives.rainbowhistory.org/items/show/1729.

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