Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: 1960s
Oral History with Nancy Tucker
Tags: 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, activism, annual reminder, bart wenger, bookstores, cade ware, clubs, community bookshop, dupont circle blackmailer, eva freund, Frank Kameny, furies, gay activist alliance, Gay Liberation Front, Gay Women's Alternative (GWA), ina alterman, joanna's, johnnie's, jon swanson, journalism, martha taylor, mattachine society of washington, mimeograph, pat kolar, plus one, publishing, stonewall riots, susan clark, the advocate, the insider, the ladder, Washington Blade, washington ethical society, zaps
Oral History with Nancy Tucker (Queer Capital-Genny Beemyn)
Tags: 1960s, 1970s, advertisements, Alcoholics Anonymous, annual reminder, arlington, bart wenger, Brother Help Thyself, dances, dyke, eva freund, Frank Kameny, gay activists alliance, Gay Liberation Front, gay women's alternative, Gay Women's Alternative (GWA), gay women's open house, ina alterman, jo daly, jon swanson, journalism, lammas, lectures, lesbian, lilli vincenz, martha becker, martha taylor, mary farmer, mattachine society of washington, Mautner Project, newsletter, OWLS, perrin shafer, pickets, plus one, potlucks, publishing, rita mae brown, roommate referral services, sexism, stonewall riots, susan clark, the advocate, the baby blade, the furies collective, Virginia, Washington Blade, whitman-walker clinic
Oral History with Jack Nichols (1995-A Queer Capital-Genny Beemyn)
Oral History Interview with Mary Jean Collins, 1939-
Tags: 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2016 Election, activism, aids, aids/hiv, Barbara Jordan, catholic, Catholics for Free Choice, Christian Coalition, congress, Donald Trump, Equal Rights Amendment, Equality Act, faith, Feminism, Gay Democrats, Gay Rights National Lobby, Hill Haven, hrc, human rights campaign, Illinois Nurses Association, Irish, lesbian, lesbians, marriage equality, Mondale Campaign, national organization for women, now, Open Housing March, People for the American Way, politics, religion, ronald reagan, same sex marriage, Stacey Abrams, stein club, Tom Harkin, tracks, Wisconsin, Women’s Rights
Oral history interview with Tom Chorlton
Oral history interview with Thomas F. Bastow
Oral history interview with Robert "Bob" Alfandre
Tags: 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, aids, lavendar scare, McCarthyism, robert alfandre
Oral history interview with Maryl A. Kerley
Oral history interview with Charles Comedy ("Kip Turner Brice")
Tags: 1832, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, Academy Awards of Washington, african american, african american gay men, After Dark, air force, Alan Kress, Andre Lindsey, Bachelor’s Mill, Barbara MacNair, Beekman’s Place, beulah, black pearl, Black Pearl Balls, Blaze Star, Block, Bob’s Inn, burlesque, cabaret, Charlie Pride, chicken hut, Chunga, Country Western, court jester, Cozy Corner, cruising, Crystal Chandeliers, drag, drag performances, drag queen, Duke Wallace, Dupont Regency, elizabeth taylor, Emperor of the Silver Screen, Entertrainer of Turnabout, fanny brice, Fanny Fox, Fighting Fushe, Georgetown, georgetown grill, Georgetown University, Gold Peak Club, henry street, Hideaway, Hollywood House, Jimmy Lakes, ken white, King of Hearts, Kip Maharris, Lala Maharris, liz taylor, Loreta Lynn, Marvin Center, military, Mini Pearl, Miss Snow Queen, MLK Assassination, Mother Bondhill, Mr. Academy Awards, Mr. Showbusiness, North Beach, Off Broadway, Old Cairo Hotel, Oscar’s Eye, pier 9, Road 2, sex work, Showstopper, Tea House, the Road, Zanzabar
Oral history interview with Allen Young, 1941 -
Tags: 1960s, chicken hut, p street beach, segregation, the block, the hideaway, ymca