In 1975, the Washington Area Gay Community Council (WAGCC), an alliance of businesses, community organizations, and churches published the first local guide to the gay community. The publication, Just Us, appeared in the autumn of 1975 and was…
Black cap.
Front: "Keep on Marching! "
Back: "Stonewall 25"
Tag: "Stonewall 25. Keep on Marching. June 26, 1994. Official Stonewall 25 cap. (800)Is Proud"
Pink t-shirt.
Front: "Lambda Legal"
Back: "Making the Case for Equality"
Founded in 1973, Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of…
A six minute video discussing new publications, gay book readership, featuring interview with Deacon Maccubbin, of Lambda Rising, and descriptions of latest books.