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Barbara Lewis arrived in Washington, DC in 1966 to attend George Washington University. When she graduated in the summer of 1970, she travelled across the country with her boyfriend—finishing the trip on the West Coast. While in California, Lewis…

Chinn grew up in Northwest Washington, DC and became cognizant of her differing sexuality during her childhood, however she did not connect with the LGBT community until young adulthood. When she was around nineteen or twenty years old, a…

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Anne Scott discusses her life in the Washington DC LGBT community, highlighting her experience with Capital Pride (2005-2012).

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Jones-Hennin, ABilly S Transcript 2004.pdf
African-American bisexual and gay experience, African-American gay political organizing, National Coalition of Black Gays (later National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays), 1979 Third World Conference.1976-2000sLISTEN ONLINEPart 1 of 2Part 2 of 2

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Scott Olsen, Joe Liberatore, Craig Hoffman, Fred Harris in back row and Karen Pearson Brown, Judy Hittman, and Pam Matthews in front row. (l to r).

Episodes and outtakes of the cable access show have been digitized.
Presented at the D.C. Historical Studies Conference, 27 Oct 2006.
Ian Young reading "Gay muse"
White t-shirt.
"OP Houston"
Old Plantation.

2020 Kipling. Houston TX

GLS Operations vers. 1.pdf
Three versions of procedures for operators of the Gay and Lesbian Switchboard, circa 1987-1991.

Earline Budd 11.tiff
Observance of 15th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance from Congress Member Eleanor Holmes Norton, Nov 20, 2014
Lee Lally reading "Now and then"
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