Browse Exhibits (1 total)

LGBTQ+ Religion in the Capital
Religious and spiritual LGBTQ+ people have existed in the Washington, DC area for centuries. Not only have they created welcoming communities of worship, they have actively advocated for LGBTQ+ rights at the nation's capitol. This exhibit focuses on LGBTQ+ religious inclusion in the last half of the 20th and first decade of the 21st centuries, drawing on religious community records and the Rainbow History Project's holdings. 
An important note before delving into this exhibit is that because of discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ+ community in the past and present, documentation of LGBTQ+ communities in often fragmented. For this reason, if you know of any other queer religious organizations, events, or movements that should be included and added to this exhibit, or should be added to the Rainbow History Project's collection, please reach out to the Rainbow History Project at

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