Liberation Efforts

Workshops and Partnerships

In 1970, DC's Gay Liberation Front attended the Black Panthers' Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention. Members of GLF-DC found housing for gay men and lesbians coming to Washington for the convention. Tim Tomasi, a doctor, provided medical care for members of the Panthers.

During the Thanksgiving weekend convention, four GLF members were refused service at the Zephyr restaurant near AU's campus, and led a return zap at the restaurant that became a major disturbance. It was the closest Washington has seen to an equivalent of Stonewall. Twelve of the group were arrested and were known for a time as the DC Twelve. The charges were ultimately dismissed. GLF's flyer, "Gay Brothers Unite in Rage" is a call to support the DC 12.

Workshops at the convention drew up lists of demands for gay men and for lesbians. The lists indicate the issues on the minds of gay liberationists and lesbians at the beginning of the 70s.