Gay Pride Week

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We, the gay people of Washington, believe the time has
come to declare ourselves openly, clearly and uncompromisingly
as the proud and decent people we are. In America we are 20 million
strong. In Washington we are a spirited and talented community of
more than 80 thousand human beings. We are here to stay. We will
be heard.
Everywhere in Washington, we are subjected to varying
forms and degrees of dislikes and discrimination. In employment,
in schools, in the military, in government, in family and in social
life, the gay people of Washington are given a short measure of
human respect and understanding. This is wrong. We speak out now
to combat the ignorance and prejudice which surrounds us. We are here
to demand fair play.
Gay Pride is a celebration of our own community. We are a
wide variety of human profiles and backgrounds ā€” women, men, blacks,
whites, leather people, drag people, conservatives, revolutionaries,
Aquarius children, devotees of establishment lifestyle ā€” the gay
life contains worlds within worlds. We ourselves need to know one
another better, just as much as straight people need to come to know
us, for in unity and mutual understanding lie the future of
gay people.
Welcome to Gay Pride. Welcome to the gay community.
Welcome to the wonderful Rhinestone Review. Welcome to Now.
ā€” The D. C. Gay Pride Committee
Tab Hunter
Brother John
Old Polks, Young Folks
What About Today
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
I'm a Brass Band
Mame Dennis
Darlene Evans
Entire Cast
Leslie Gore
Celeste Holm
Desi Arnaz, Jr.
Band: Alain Delon, Ski Kelly, Jim McClard, Burt Ward,
Adam West.
Judy Garland
I'm a Woman and Love Pot ion #9 Car la Wel ls
Standing on the Corner
Boys: Desi Arnaz, J r . , Alain Delon, Jim McClard, Joe Shari.
S t r e e t w a l k e r s : Joanna Johnson, Nancy Kwan, Ethel Merman,
J e n n i f e r North.
H u s t l e r : Ski Kelly.
* I ' l l Plant My Own Tree
Revolt * Narc
* Don't Rain on My Parade
Lana Turner
Adam West
Jackie Bush
Hello, Dolly! Medley Carroll Baker
Waiters: Desi Arnaz, J r . , Alain Delon, Jim McClard,
Burt Ward.
Poor Johnny One Note Rosslyn Kind
* I t ' s You Lucille Ball
Red, White and Blue * Burt Ward
* You Musn't Be Discouraged Shirley Temple
* Fanny Brice
* Good Times are Here to Stay Kate Sharif
* and Company




D.C. Gay Pride Committee, “Gay Pride Week,” Rainbow History Project Digital Collections, accessed October 22, 2024,

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