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White t-shirt.
"Safe sex is Hot Sex. You are not immune. No somos inmunes!" Image of two women embracing.
White t-shirt.
Multi colored triangles. "Black Gay Pride '97"

Unknown origin. Likely affiliated with Washington, DC.
White t-shirt.
"The Names Project" with a purple background
White t-shirt.
Front: "City of Hope Workout for Hope Against AIDS"
Back: "The Fitness Event of the Year!"
Red t-shirt.
Image of an eagle and a boot. "MAL '98"

Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend
Black t-shirt.
Image of a flame. "Centaur MC Olympia XVI"

Centaur Motorcycle Club (Centaur MC) consists of a group of men with an enthusiastic interest in motorcycles, leather and other men.
Black t-shirt.
"Leather Reunion. Centaur MC-Mal 2002"
Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend

Centaur Motorcycle Club (Centaur MC) consists of a group of men with an enthusiastic interest in motorcycles, leather and other men.
Event held at Nation…
White t-shirt.
Front: "AIDSWalk 1994. A Community Fundraising Project of Whitman-Walker Clinic. Together We Can Fill Our Sadness with Hope!"
Back: "Together We Can Fill Our Streets with Hope!" List of sponsors.,
White t-shirt.
"Made in Gay America"
United States colored pink.
White t-shirt.
"The Advocate Celebrates 25 Years 1969-1994"
White t-shirt.
"World AIDS Day- Time to Act!"
Image of stamp "USA 29 AIDS Awareness" "1 December 1993"
White t-shirt.
World AIDS Day. 1 December '94. Protect and care for the ones we love. American Association of World Health.
Do It With Friends WPFW-FM 89.3. Bruce Pennington, a founder of the Stonewall Nation Media Collective, produced and broadcast radio program WGTB and WPFW from 1973 to 1982.
play on the law prohibiting gay and lesbian people from serving openly in the military, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell between 1994 to 2011

White t-shirt, Do Ask Do Tell,
Black t-shirt ACT UP, Silence = Death, Pink Triangle Another copy of this shirt is located at the Gerber/Hart Library and Archives
Fight AIDS, ACT UP, Silence = Death, Ignorance = Fear
The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt
White t-shirt.
Lincoln memorial and pink triangle.
"March on Washington, April 25, 1993"
White t-shirts.
"Capital Pride. June 1st-8th, 2003. Washington DC"
Back: "Capital Pride" Image of Capitol dome with multi colored hands.

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Oral history with Ellen Khan, director of the Children, Youth, and Families Program at the Human Rights Campaign and former Lesbian Services Program Director at Whitman-Walker Clinic.

Smith, BG Tammy_1963- summary and transcript.pdf
Army Brigadier General (BG) Tammy Smith is the first openly gay general in the United States military. Smith discusses her life in the military before, during, and after DADT.
White t-shirt.
"Millennium March for Equality, Washington D.C. April 30, 2000"
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