Browse Items (151 total)

  • Collection: T-shirts, Textiles, Posters and Banners: Ephemera Collection
White t-shirt.
"Pride 1990 Washington DC"
Image of pink triangle, Capitol dome, Washington Monument.
Black tank top.
"The March, the Rally, the Festival"
Rainbow Capitol Building
"Millennium March on Washington"
White tank top.
Freddie's Beach Bar & Restaurant.
Back: Two flamingos drinking. Crystal City, VA 703-685-0555

Tiki-style gay bar with drag shows
555 23rd St S, Arlington, VA 22202
White t-shirt.
"The International Display of the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt October 9-11, 1992. Because We Won't Let Them Forget"
Black t-shirt.
"Tracks D.C."
1111 First St. Washington DC

Tags: ,
White t-shirt.
"DC Gay Switchboard 638-4611"
Green lambda symbol and telephone dial.
White t-shirt.
"1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation" Image of George Washington with pink footprints.
White t-shirt
March on Washington For Lesbian, Gay Rights
October 11, 1987
Image of Capitol Dome and Pink Triangle
White t-shirt.
"Stonewall 20, 1969-1989, A Generation of Hope, A Generation of Growth, A Generation of Pride"
Black t-shirt.
"Phase 1"
Two female symbols and martini image.
525 8th St SE, Washington, DC 20003

Black tank top.
Front: DC Kings Logo including a crown with the DC flag.
Back: "DC Kings"

Drag king troupe, active from 2000-2015.
Map set at 1523 22nd St NW, Washington, DC 20037 (location of their last two shows)
White t-shirt.
Front: "ACT UP DC"
Back: "Until There's A Cure, There's ACT UP"
Do It With Friends WPFW-FM 89.3. Bruce Pennington, a founder of the Stonewall Nation Media Collective, produced and broadcast radio program WGTB and WPFW from 1973 to 1982.
Black long sleeve t-shirt.

Front: "Reel Affirmations"
Back: "The most fun you can have in the dark..."
Washington DC's International LGBT Film Festival
Black t-shirt.
Front: "GB6"
Back: "Ken Vegas Presents The Great Big International Drag King Show 6 Friday, May 19th, 2006. Hosted by: Tamale (Chicago, IL) & Rocky (Washington DC)"
List of other performers

9:30 Club-815 V St NW, Washington, DC…
Black t-shirt.
Leather hat. "Master/slave Conference 2006. Washington, DC"

Annual educational event dedicated solely to Master/slave relationships
Yellow t-shirt.
Front: "Metropolitan Community Church The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches. 20th Anniversary 1971-1991."
474 Ridge St NW, Washington, DC 20001
Black t-shirt.
"Black Lesbian & Gay Pride Day '03. Family of Pride. Washington, DC, May 28-30"
White t-shirt.
"We Marched in '87. We Act in '88. Act Now '88. AIDS Coalition to Network, Organize, and Win. October 8th to 11th-Washington, D.C."
White t-shirt.
"Walk for Hope. 3rd Annual AIDS Walk. Washington D.C. June 4, 1989 Keith Haring"
Light blue t-shirt.
Front: "Metropolitan Community Church. Ground Breaking 7-21-90. Washington D.C."
Blue t-shirt.
"National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. October 11, 1987. For Love and For Life, We're Not Going Back!"
Pink triangle with capitol dome.
Dark gray t-shirt.
"For Love and for Life. National March on Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights. October 11, 1987. March on Washington. We're Not Going Back!"
Image of pink triangle.
White t-shirt.
Front: "AIDS Walk Washington 2004. Benefiting and Produced by Whitman-Walker Clinic"
Back: List of sponsors.
White t-shirt.
"I Can't Even Think Straight. April 25, 1993. Washington, D.C."
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