Browse Items (11 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Lesbians' writings, American"
The Furies, by Ginny Berson
Such a Nice Girl ..., by Sharon Deevey
Women: Weak or Strong, by Lee Schwing
The Dentist, by Ginny Berson
Roxanne Dunbar: how a female heterosexual serves the interests of male supremacy, by Rita Mae Brown
Class Beginnings, by Nancy Myron
Jamie: A Short Story, by Helaine Harris
Lesbian Headache #69, by Lee Schwing
Ideology: Guide to Action, by Coletta Reid
That's Capitalism for You ..., by Susan Hathaway
Taking the Bullshit by the Horns, by…
Revolution Begins at Home, by Charlotte Bunch and Coletta Reid
A Well Placed Kick, by Lee Schwing
Coning: a recycling? or an answer to copulation?, by Michela Griffin
All I want, by Helaine Harris
An Anarchist Plebe Fights Back, by Katz
Darers Go First, by Jennifer Woodul
A New Book of Lesbian Poetry by Pat Parker
Only by Association
Details ..., by Coletta Reid
Recycled Trash, by Coletta Reid
Freest Fancy, by Ginny Berson
COME OUTSIDE (On a queer day you can see…
I Was a Teenage Lesbian, by Lee Schwing and Helaine Harris
They Killed Pricks, by Susan Baker
Garbage Among the Trash, by Dolores Bargowski and Coletta Reid
Just Like in the Saturday Evening Post, by Nancy Myron
We're doing it in our schools ..., poem by E Sharon Gomillion
Perseverance Furthers: Separatism and Our Future, by Charlotte Bunch
Internal Bleeding (Or Case Study in Bombastic Twaddling), by Nancy Myron
Poems, by Susan Baker, E. Sharon…
Out of the O Zone, by Helaine Harris
Gimme Shelter, by Tasha Petersen, photography by JEB
Keep Your Chin Up, by Lee Schwing
Much Madness Is Divinest Sense, by Jennifer Woodul
No Place to Go, by Ginny Berson
Emotionalism - Downward Spiral,…
To our reader, Perseverance Furthers: Woman's Sense of Self, by Charlotte Bunch
A Sonatina Followed by Another, by Gertrude Stein
Gertrude and Alice compiled by Fran Winant and Loretta Ulmschneider
She Who, poetry by Judy Grahn, graphics…
Bisexuality, by Loretta Ulmschneider
Journeys on the Living, by Linda Koolish
Eating Artichokes, by Willyce Kim
Editorial, by Lee Schwing and Deborah George
Holland, by Dutch feminists publishing Purple September
New York Poems, by Lee…
FINAL ISSUE, the Furies Staff
Building Feminist Institutions, by Lee Schwing and Helaine Harris
Unnatural Woman, by Diane O'Flynn
Oranges at Wandegeya, by Jay Williams
R St., by Keegan
I Don't Want a Pickle, photos by D. George
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