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This booklet introduces the Rainbow History Project and its Community Pioneer Award. The booklet provides profiles of each of the 2015 award recipients.
Portrait of Eric Cohen and Jonathan Blumenthal, founders of LGBT volunteer group Burgundy Crescent Volunteers and recipients of 2015 Community Pioneers Awards.
Portrait of Ruby Corado, transgender activist and founder of Casa Ruby, recipient of a 2015 Community Pioneers Award.
Portrait of Wallace Leo Corbett Jr, AIDS educator and recipient of a 2015 Community Pioneers Award.
Portrait of Kathleen DeBold (right), Mautner Project and Lambda Literary Awards administrator and recipient of a 2015 Community Pioneers Award, and her partner Barbara Johnson.
Portrait of Atul Garg and Yassir Islam, founders of KhushDC and recipients of 2015 Community Pioneers Awards.
Portrait of Annette “Chi” Hughes, founding member of Sapphire Sapphos and AIDS educator, recipient of a 2015 Community Pioneers Award.
Portrait of Susan Silber, provider of LGBT–friendly family law in the D.C. area, recipient of a 2015 Community Pioneers Award.
Portrait of Jill Strachan, leader of local LGBT arts organizations and recipient of a 2015 Community Pioneers Award.
Portrait of Michele Zavos, provider of LGBT-friendly family law in the D.C. area and recipient of a 2015 Community Pioneers Award.
Gravestone of Henry Gerber (1892-1972), founder of the United States' first known homosexual organization, the Society for Human Rights in Chicago.
This article, published in the Florida newspaper Agenda, documents the diversity, size, and vivacity of the 2015 Capital Pride celebration. It includes a quote from Rainbow History board member Jeff Donahoe, who led a walking tour on the morning of…
In this interview-style article, Rainbow History board member Dr. Bonnie Morris discusses the disappearance of lesbian spaces such as bars and bookstores in the DC area.
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